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Essays on Distracted Driving

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Essay Examples

Does a Cell Phone Conversation Affect Reaction Time?

Distracted Driving

Words: 707 (3 pages)

Have you ever wondered how much a cell phone can affect your reaction time in everyday activities? Even when you are not on it, but it is nearby? The cerebellum is under the cerebrum in the brain, and it controls symmetry, motion, and organization. Using a cell phone can change your reaction time, which is…

Result of Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving

Words: 875 (4 pages)

With the increasing usage of mobile phones, many people now use their phones in the car, perhaps posing a threat. Previously, there wasn’t technology allowing people to talk on their phones while driving, leading to more casualties as a result of distracted driving. But with advancement in driver technology, driving while on the phone is…

Texting And Driving: Just Put It Down

Distracted Driving


Words: 772 (4 pages)

In this current day, it is difficult to imagine a moment where we are not without our phones. Waking up in the morning, in the kitchen, getting ready for work or school, our phones are attached to our hands to the point of where it feels abnormal to not have it. We all know the…

Is Texting Ruining Our Society

Distracted Driving

Words: 560 (3 pages)

We can all agree that communication is vital in our daily lives. But there is something that has made communicating that much easier. We now have the ability to interact at our fingertips and statistically the good outweighs the bad that comes with it. Texting is and will continue to play a major role in…

Danger of Distracted Driving Essay

Distracted Driving

Words: 492 (2 pages)

Everyone is always on the go making the highways busier now-a-days. It’s not how it was back in the days when just changing the radio station was a big deal now-a-days it’s all these new technologies being produced which has change society has a whole. The biggest change is texting while driving, it seems to…

Risks of Texting and Driving Essay

Distracted Driving


Words: 991 (4 pages)

Problem Statement The increasing usage of cell phones has been accompanied by an accelerating increase in the number of traffic accidents. (Wilson & Stimpson, 2010). Those who engage in texting while driving are 23 times more likely to have an accident than those who do not. (Gupta, Burns, & Boyd, 2015). In the United States…

Causes and Effects of Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving

Texting while driving

Words: 2757 (12 pages)

Distracted driving is where the attention of the driver is divided among different activities, i.e., not 100% dedicated to the task of driving. A Federal government study in 2015 indicated that roughly 11% of the freeway deaths were caused by distracted driving (CNBC, 2015). Distracted driving can involve the application of in-car infotainment system such…

Dont Text Your Life Away 

Distracted Driving


Words: 1422 (6 pages)

“When you’re distracted, who’s driving?” A great question, that we should ask ourselves everyday before we get behind a wheel and start texting and driving.” According to a AAA poll, 94 percent of teen drivers acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving, but 35% admitted to doing it anyway.” Something that we know is so…

Serious Issue of Texting and Driving

Distracted Driving


Words: 1238 (5 pages)

Texting and driving has become a very serious issue that has drawn national media attention. Given the way society works in 2018, many people are accustomed to doing virtually everything on their phone. That means answering emails, communicating via social media, and even utilizing a GPS on the phone. Thus, there are many people who…

Texting While Driving Essay

Distracted Driving


Words: 489 (2 pages)

It is a extremely sad situation that due to texting and driving will and has caused thousands of deaths.It has already caused 3,000 deaths per year and will have an impact on cars and how cars are made in the soon future.I think it is agreed by many people that the life-threatening occurrence of texting…

Frequently Asked Questions about Distracted Driving

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What are the effects of distracted driving?
A distracted driver is much more likely to be involved in an accident than one who is not. Additionally, distracted drivers are more likely to be involved in serious accidents. This means that they may be injured or even killed. They may also cause other motorists and passengers to be injured or killed.
What is a fact about distracted driving?
7% of all fatal crashes in 2019 were distraction-related resulting in 3,142 lives lost, an increase of 9.9% over 2018 when 2,858 lives were lost due to distracted driving. About 400,000 were injured and 2,841 killed as a result of distraction-affected crashes. ... Traffic Safety facts April 2020, NHTSA.
Why distracted driving is a problem?
Distracted driving can increase the chance of a motor vehicle crash. ... Sending a text message, talking on a cell phone, using a navigation system, and eating while driving are a few examples of distracted driving. Any of these distractions can endanger you, your passengers, and others on the road.

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