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Essay Examples

An Analysis of the Impact of Gangster Disciple in There are No Children Here by Alex Kotlowitz





Words: 728 (3 pages)

Throughout There Are No Children Here, a continuous, powerful tension always lurks in the background. The tension is caused primarily by the gangs which are rampant in the housing projects of Chicago. In the Henry Horner Homes, according to Kotlowitz, one person is beaten, shot at, or stabbed due to gangs every three days. In…

A People’s History of the United States Chapter 3 Summary



United States

Words: 462 (2 pages)

Persons of Mean and Vile Condition The chapter starts out by describing Bacon’s Rebellion, using it as an example of unrest between social classes in the late 1600’s. While the rebellion isn’t described in great detail, it describes how slaves and servants joined together behind Bacon to fight what they considered a common enemy, the…

Decentralization under Articles of Confederation


Constitutional Law



Political science

Separation of powers

United States Congress

Words: 445 (2 pages)

The constitution tackled the issues of power decentralization highlighted in the Articles of Confederation. These problems included the absence of a national currency, a unicameral legislature, and an inability for Congress to impose taxes. The tension between centralized and decentralized power is still debated today in the context of environmental policy, gun control, and disability…

Focus on John Dewey’s Democracy and Education



John Dewey

Words: 1716 (7 pages)

The Three Foundations of an Enlightened Society One of the major themes that comes up throughout John Dewey’s classic book on the philosophy of education is that the survival of an alive and vibrant democracy depends upon the educational development of its people. As Abraham Lincoln called it in his Gettysburg speech, democracy is a…

The Hellbender John A. Murrell




Words: 5379 (22 pages)

Robert E. Howard had a powerful interest in the desperadoes of his native southwest. “I could fill a thick volume of such disconnected bits and still not exhaust my chaotic store,” he wrote to H.P. Lovecraft in June 1931. I’ve found that passion expressed again and again in his letters, and used them for material…

The Impact of American Revolution on Society

American Revolution


Words: 714 (3 pages)

The American Revolution significantly affected different aspects of America. Politically, it resulted in the transition from monarchy to democracy as Americans embraced representation and both central and state governments. Socially, there were shifts in the roles played by specific social groups. Economically, Americans achieved independence from England by ceasing the exportation of raw materials and…

Crossing Boundaries in Beyond the Bayou and a Matter of Prejudice Analysis


Words: 1678 (7 pages)

Kate Chopin was regarded as one of the most prominent cosmopolitan writers of her era. Not only did she have a fascinating personal life and background, but she also addresses profound issues in her writing, which are relevant in today’s society. Many of her literary works concern matters such as racial segregation and cultural conflicts….

Goals of The French Revolution During Napoleon’s Reign




Words: 1062 (5 pages)

The French Revolution marked a time when many French individuals fought against monarchy and religion in order to establish principles of equality and freedom. The struggle resulted in extensive loss of life, leading to a division within the country between revolutionaries and monarchists. Napoleon Bonaparte emerged in France during this era. While initially relatively unknown,…

Monopolistic Competition And Monopoly Market Structure


Monopolistic competition

Words: 993 (4 pages)

Industries are traditionally divided into four classs depending to the grade of competition that exists between the houses within the industry. Perfect competition exists when there are many houses viing with none of them has the power to act upon the monetary value. At the other extreme is monopoly, which happens when a individual company…

The Social Responsibility And Good Governance Business

Economic System


Free Market


Social responsibility


Words: 3217 (13 pages)

Social Responsibility and Good Governance are used interchangeably world-wide by persons and corporations to demo their associations with the activities carried out for the improvement of the society. Although the two nomenclatures appear to hold a batch of similarity but there are immense differences between them when their rudimentss are studied in item ; with…

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