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Essay Examples
A Description of the Gilded Age Which Began During the Reconstruction of the South After the Civil War
Gilded Age
United States
The Gilded Age began during the Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War and ended shortly after the conclusion of the Panic of 1893. This era of American history was known as a time of forgettable presidents, industrialization, depression and corruption. Between the years of 1865 and 1900 Americans witnessed the government Des inability…
Harrison Bergeron: A Threat to a Uniform Society
The terrifying future depicted in Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron” is one in which complete equality is maintained by whatever means necessary. Any sort of individualism, particularly one’s exceptional talent or beauty, is repressed by the government in this dystopian society to guarantee that no one is superior to anybody else. Harrison Bergeron appears in this…
Key Features and Differences between Gen X and Gen Y
Critical Theory
Human development
Identity Politics
Generation (from the Latin generare, meaning to beget), also known as procreation, is the act of producing offspring. Generation can be defined as the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time. Each generation has its own distinct set of values that is developed from the social environment in their early…
Judicial Precedent or Hierarchy of the Courts
Judicial Precedent Judicial precedent means the decisions of the higher courts automatically binds the lower courts according to the hierarchy of the courts. This refers to the doctrine of stare decisis. For example, the Supreme Court decision binds the Court of Appeal, Divisional Courts, High Court and County Court. Ratio decidendi is the principle of…
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Prison overcrowding
Shawshank Redemption
The Shawshank Redemption “I’m telling you, these walls are funny. First, you hate them. Then you get used to them. Enough time passes, it gets so you depend on them. That’s institutionalized. ” – “Red,” from The Shawshank Redemption. We are all born as bare as a blank canvas. It is through the process of…
The Stalin’s Rise to Power
Joseph Stalin
Soviet Union
A combination of his ability to manipulate situationsand the failure of others to prevent him from taking power, especially LeonTrotsky. Trotsky did not take advantage of several opportunities which wouldhave helped him to crush Stalin politically. When he failed to take advantage ofthese opportunities, Stalin maneuvered himself into a stronger position withinthe party by allying…
The Main Expected Outcomes of Antitrust Laws
Antitrust Laws Antitrust laws are laws that are meant to promote competition in business environment by preventing the development of monopolies. There are many cases related to the law that have emerged since the law was enacted in the late 19th century. Many of these cases have suggests that the antitrust laws do not…
Should Whaling Be Banned Completely
Whales, the largest animals on earth and the largest mammals on the planet, have existed for millions of years. Despite their apparent similarity, there are multiple whale species. Each year, female whales give birth to a single offspring and devote themselves to nurturing it throughout the entire year. According to Whale World (n.d), these serene…
Annotated bibliography – Gun Control
Gun Control
Newspaper article McNeil. Harold. “Local authoritiess group votes for abrogation of state’s gun safety jurisprudence. ” Buffalo News. The ( NY ) 02 Mar. 2013: Points of View Reference Center. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. This article demonstrates how an act known as the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act amended by the State Senate and…
Gumshoes, Gats and Gals: Robert E. Howard’s Detective and Crime Stories
Robert E. Howard
Between December 1933 and June 1936, a group of rather unusual Robert E. Howard stories were published: “Talons in the Dark” (1933), “The Tomb’s Secret” (1934), ‘‘People of the Serpent” (1934), “Names in the Black Book” (1934), “Graveyard Rats” (1936) and “Black Wind Blowing” (1936) were published in the magazines Strange Detective Stories, Super Detective…