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Essays on Hip-Hop


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Essay Examples

Tupac Shakur in the Music World


Tupac Shakur

Words: 463 (2 pages)

There are few hip hop artists who have had such an immense impact on the music world as Tupac Shakur. The West Coast rapper was born in New York City, and would enter the music business through a guest spot on a Digital Underground track in 1991. From those collaborations, it was a short step…

History of Creation of Hip Hop Music Analysis


Words: 2224 (9 pages)

Throughout human history, music has played a vital role in our culture and way of life. Each individual and community has their own unique rhythm. Various societies utilize music for religious ceremonies, celebrations, solace, sorrow, relaxation, sports, dancing, energizing, learning, sleeping, and even sexual experiences. Music serves a purpose for everyone, connecting with people and…

Contemporary Urban Music: Controversial Messages in Hip Hop and Rap Lyrics



Words: 916 (4 pages)

In spite of Franklin B. Krohn and Frances L. Suazo’s portrayal of hip-hop and rap as a form of protest against racism, poverty, and the glorification of the drug dealing and gangster lifestyle, I strongly disagree with their perspective. Hip-hop and rap represent a way of life for young black individuals, as well as a…

Hip Hop’s Influence on Popular Culture: Expression or Oppression?


Popular Culture

Words: 3421 (14 pages)

Hip-Hop’s Influence on Popular Culture: Expression or Oppression? Hip-hop is most definitely a massive influence on current culture all through the world.  Mainstream radio stations in America and abroad regularly play this genre of music while commercials, video games, and many other venues are utilizing the music to promote brands and entertain.  But, hip-hop is…

Female Rapper From Southside Jamaica – Onika Maraj



Words: 426 (2 pages)

Onika Maraj (Born December 8, 1984) known as Nicki Minaj is a female rapper from Southside Jamaica, Queens, NewYork. She grew up in a troubled home, with a father on drugs and a struggling single mother. Despite her hectic environment, Minaj went on to graduate from LaGuardia High School in Manhattan where she studied singing…

Arab Hip Hop in Music Industry


Words: 1957 (8 pages)

                The mass globalization of U.S. culture and the mainstreaming of hip hop within the state has led to an underground claiming of Hip Hop culture by the Arab world.  The musical form has been used an outlet for young people to express their political and cultural concerns in the U.S. and it is proving…

Contemporary urban music: controversial messages in hip-hop and rap lyrics



Words: 12323 (50 pages)

Contemporary urban music: controversial messages in hip-hop and rap lyrics. by Franklin B. Krohn , Frances L. Suazo Introduction Anyone who is unfamiliar with recent contemporary urban music is likely to be surprised at its unusual rhythms and perhaps even shocked at its uninhibited lyrics. Unless one is involved with urban teenagers or ghetto culture…

HipHop Nation Report



Words: 941 (4 pages)

“It’s hard to stop a Cultural Revolution that bridges people together.” This is a quote from a famous ‘Rapper’ who has been behind the Hip-Hop revolution since the start. He is Chuck D; the creator of Public Enemy, one of the biggest Hip-Hop acts ever. This quote condenses what the writer of the article is…

Hip Hop vs. House


Words: 770 (4 pages)

Both House and Hip Hop are popular genres of music with similarities and differences. In today’s music scene, both genres have gained wide popularity. Notable artists in the Hip Hop genre include Mos Def, The Roots, De La Soul, and Jurassic 5. Conversely, House music is represented by artists such as Mark Farina, Chemical Brothers,…

Love & Hip Hop Analysis



Words: 713 (3 pages)

Raqi and Jen had an audition at Hot 97 which would determine whether their show would become permanent or not. During the audition they interviewed a rapper by the name of Vado. While Raqi was flirting, Jen was trying to stay on track by asking question that would not move in the direction of flirting…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Hip-Hop

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How do you describe hip-hop?
Hip hop is more than a genre: it's a cultural movement sweeping up music, poetry, dance, art, fashion, and political philosophy. ... It's less like singing (which by definition carries a melody) and more like reciting poetry over a backbeat.
Is hiphop a culture?
Hip hop or hip-hop is a culture and art movement that was created by African Americans, Latino Americans and Caribbean Americans in the Bronx, New York City. ... Hip hop culture has spread to both urban and suburban communities throughout the United States and subsequently the world.
What is hiphop dance essay?
Hip hop dance specify dance styles that have evolved because of hip hop culture. It entails different styles such as dancing, rapping and scratching, popping, locking and breaking. The hip hop dancing began in the 1970s. During this period, hip hop encompassed urban styles.
What is the importance of hip-hop?
Hip Hop believes that people can take control of their lives through self-knowledge and self-expression. Knowledge influences style and technique and connects its artists under a collective Hip Hop umbrella.

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