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Essays on Hydrogen

We found 11 free papers on Hydrogen

Essay Examples

Should Dihydrogen Monoxide be banned? Sample


Properties of water

Words: 538 (3 pages)

Before I was able to find if Dihydrogen Monoxide ( DHMO ) should be banned from usage or non. I had to happen out what precisely DHMO was. Dihydrogen Monoxide. besides known as Dihydrogen Oxide. Hydrogen Hydroxide. Hydronium Hydroxide. or merely Hydric acid. is a colorless. odorless and tasteless chemical compound. It has a boiling…

The lactate dehydrogenase


Words: 4034 (17 pages)

Enzymes: Enzymes are protein molecules which catalyst the biological reactions within populating systems [ 23 ] . They provide a reaction surface to which a substrate can easy adhere and a suited environment for the reaction to happen. They bring the reactants together and point them in such a manner that they attain their transition-state…

Rate of natural and catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide


Words: 944 (4 pages)

Enzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions by take downing activation energy. Enzymes are specific to one reaction due to their construction ; they bind with a specific substrate at an active site to bring on a conformational alteration that allows chemical bonds to be broken easier-thus cut downing the sum of energy needed to…

Potato an hydrogen peroxide and liver and hydrogen peroxide Sample


Words: 2037 (9 pages)

An probe to compare the reaction rates between murphy and H peroxide against liver and H peroxide through loss in mass. Background information: Catalase is an enzyme that is found in all cells. This means that it is an intracellular enzyme. And enzyme is a biological accelerator. A accelerator is some thing that speeds up…

Introduction of hydrogen sulfide gas


Words: 4171 (17 pages)

Hydrogen sulfide, which has the chemical formula of H2S occurs in crude petroleum, natural gas, volcanic emissions, and hot springs.  In addition, it can also be a result from bacterial breakdown of organic matter, as well as human and animal wastes.  In fact, bacteria found in a human mount and gastrointestinal tract produce hydrogen sulfide…

Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide by Potassium Iodie


Words: 327 (2 pages)

Two solutions are mixed resulting in an eruption of foam resembling a huge stream of toothpaste. This is the classic “Elephant Toothpaste” reaction. Purpose/Goal Procedure presents an example of a catalyzed reaction. Explanation of Experiment The rapid evolution of oxygen gas is produced by the following reaction: 2 H2O2 (aq)=2 H2O (l) + O2 (g)+…

Importance of Hydrogen Bonding


Words: 490 (2 pages)

            A hydrogen bond is understood to be the force that acts between an electronegative atom of one molecule and an electronegative atom of a different molecule.  This is a result of the dipole-dipole attractive force that bonds with a hydrogen atom which is attached to any of the elements such as nitrogen, oxygen or…

The Sun’s Brightest Secret: Nuclear Fusion




Words: 570 (3 pages)

The sun continuously undergoes atomic fusion to generate energy. The sun’s core contains hydrogen and can reach temperatures of 10-15 million degrees Celsius. The production of helium generates enough energy to support life on our planet. Various fusion reactions are used for energy production on Earth, with each chosen based on its suitability. Occurs between…

An Overview Of Hydrogen Discovery Preparation And Isotopes Biology



Words: 1312 (6 pages)

Hydrogen has the smallest atoms of any component. A H atom contains one proton, a bantam atom with a positive electrical charge, and merely one negatron, a negatively charged atom. Pure H exists as H gas in which brace of H atoms bond together to do larger atoms called molecules. It is by far the…

about Jupiter planet





Phases of matter


Solar System

Words: 852 (4 pages)

Jupiter is a gas giant. This means that it has a huge atmosphere, a liquid mantle, and a liquid / solid core, with no definite boundary between the layers. The core officiate is probably composed of liquid rock, at a temperature as high as 24,000 K (43,000 OF). The core is small relative to the…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Hydrogen

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What is hydrogen and its uses?
Hydrogen also has many other uses. In the chemical industry it is used to make ammonia for agricultural fertiliser (the Haber process) and cyclohexane and methanol, which are intermediates in the production of plastics and pharmaceuticals. It is also used to remove sulfur from fuels during the oil-refining process.
What is hydrogen explain?
Hydrogen is the lightest element. At standard conditions hydrogen is a gas of diatomic molecules having the formula H2. It is colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, and highly combustible. Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, constituting roughly 75% of all normal matter.
What is the importance of hydrogen?
Hydrogen is the first element of the periodic table. The most important function of hydrogen in the human body is to keep you hydrated. Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen and is absorbed by the cells of the body.

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