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Essay Examples

Ponce De Leon And The Early Exploration


Words: 1683 (7 pages)

Juan Ponce de Leon was born in 1460, in Tierra de Campos Paleia, in Leon, Spain ( Ponce, 1996 ) . He came from a baronial household and entered the royal family as a page for Pedro Nunez de Guzman, at the Court of Aragon. Later, immature Ponce de Leon would go a solider for…

The Thin Walls of Privacy: Police Officers and the Fourth Amendment

Criminal Law



Words: 1619 (7 pages)

In the case of United States v. Jackson, police officers rented a motel room adjacent to Mary Wanna’s room and listened in on her conversations by placing their ears against the shared wall. The key issue at hand is whether this action constitutes a violation of the Fourth Amendment. According to the Supreme Court, it…

An Introduction to Vikings



Words: 366 (2 pages)

The Vikings were explorers who lived in the region that is now Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. They often set sail for distant lands. Although their feats took place more than 1,000 years ago, the tales live on in legend. Stories tell of the sailors’ voyages to new lands and of their violent raids. Two views…

Case Study Analysis: Privacy Issues and Monetizing Twitter

Internet Privacy


Social Media

Words: 1149 (5 pages)

Twitter Problem Statement This case looks at Twitter in early 2010. At this point, Twitter had a market valuation of $1 billion, but was a free service without a viable business plan. The challenge facing Twitter at this point in time is finding a balance between Twitters revenue generating initiatives and protecting the privacy rights…

The Blast in Centralia No. 5




Words: 1100 (5 pages)

The Blast in Centralia No. 5: A Mine Disaster No One Stopped In 1907, two miles south of Centralia, Illinois was the Centralia Mine No. 5. The Mine was there to provide coal during World War II. This particular mine employed 250 men and produced 2,000 tons of coal each day. During the next several…

“The Question Refering Technology” by Martin Heidegger




Words: 956 (4 pages)

Martin Heidegger was a German philosopher, who developed experiential phenomenology and has been widely regarded as the most original 20th-century philosopher. His plants include complicated essays such as “ An debut to Metaphysics ” and “ The Question Concerning Technology. ” In his essay “ The Question Concerning Technology, ” Heidegger attempts to make several…

A Review: Structuration Theory and Sensemaking




Words: 2445 (10 pages)

Organizational Communications Organizational Communications Esperanza A. Collado A Review: Sensemaking and Structuration Theory: Giddens Explored Esperanza A. Collado A Review: Sensemaking and Structuration Theory: Giddens Explored Dr. Lalaine Ocampo 11/5/2011 Dr. Lalaine Ocampo 11/5/2011 An in-depth background should be provided to the reader regarding the materials being discussed. Considering that we are talking about theories,…

Identity Theft State Statutes

Identity Theft

Words: 387 (2 pages)

    Identity theft occurs when an individual impersonates someone else, usually for financial gain. Nebraska penal code 28-608 is referred to as: criminal impersonation; penalty; restitution, and it allows for felonies and misdemeanors depending on how much financial gain was attempted through the use of criminal impersonation. The Texas statute falls under penal Code 32.51…

Different Ways to Use Fingerprints

Crime Prevention



Words: 236 (1 page)

Fingerprints can identify us and only us. Everyone’s fingerprints are different; there are no two alike. That’s why they prove so useful when identifying dead bodies or fingerprints at a crime scene. Police use them at crime scenes; banks use them to identify checks. There are so many different uses for fingerprints. Fingerprints are read…

The Lost Honour Of Katharina Blum Analysis



Words: 1143 (5 pages)

Heinrich B ö ll uses his novel, The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum, to assail modern journalistic moralss every bit good as the values of modern-day Germany. The construction of this novel is of import to conveying his message. He uses a police study format, differences in chapter lengths, storyteller or writer intercession, a caption,…

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