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Essays on Jazz Page 4

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Essay Examples

A Review on the Best Student Concert, the Buffalo State Jazz Ensemble

Concert Review



Words: 1655 (7 pages)

On November 8th, I attended the Buffalo State Jazz Ensemble directed by Dr. Rick Fleming, and the Buffalo State Jazz Workshop directed by Dr. Mark Filsinger. I picked this concert because jazz is one of my favorite genres, and I thought it would be nice for me to pick a concert that a lot of…

Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughn; Two Ladies of Jazz Analysis

F.Scott Fitzgerald


Words: 748 (3 pages)

Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughan are two of the great jazz voices of the 20th century and though they both sang jazz standards and pop tunes of the time they both had their own distinct style. They have recorded much of the same songs but no one can be in doubt that they are listening…

Ragtime and Blues Influence on Jazz



Words: 1237 (5 pages)

Exploring the intricate and historically significant music genre of jazz poses a difficult challenge for musicians and scholars due to its complex nature. Jazz is thought to have emerged in New Orleans, where it was specifically crafted for the pleasure of social dancers. John F.’s renowned publication, “Understanding Jazz: What Is Jazz?” offers valuable insights…

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