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Essays on John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill

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Essay Examples


Explanation of Morality by John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill


Words: 541 (3 pages)

John Stuart Mill begins his discussion of moral theory with a definition of utilitarianism, stating that this is “the creed which accept as the foundation of morals ‘utility’ or the ‘greatest happiness principle’ holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of…

On Liberty by John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill

Public opinion

Words: 983 (4 pages)

            John Stuart Mill’s seminal essay, On Liberty, is considered as yet one of his most influential works. Mill’s critical examination on how society, along with the institutions embedded in it exert control on individuals, provided a new approach or framework on how liberty should be understood. On a deeper contextualization of the matter, it…

John Stuart Mill “On Liberty” Critique

John Stuart Mill

Words: 1476 (6 pages)

The Irony of On Liberty In John Stuart Mill’s essay, On Liberty, Mill argues that the cultivation of vital individuality is essential to the advancement of society. Cultivation of vital individuality is the spark that ignites societal progress because the more an individual develops his capacities, the more valuable he is to society. Mill provides…

Hapinness and Morality: Views of Aristotle and John Stuart Mill


John Stuart Mill


Words: 1697 (7 pages)

A lot of philosophers have spoken about happiness. Many agreed that it is the ultimate goal of life, something of which many, if not all, would undeniably agree. A lot of philosophers have also spoken about morality and its role in society. Certainly, a society would function well when its people abide by its morals….

John Stuart Mill and Peter Singer: The Pursuit Of Happiness

John Stuart Mill

The Pursuit Of Happiness

Words: 969 (4 pages)

The pursuit of happiness is a goal many of us strive for in life. John Stuart Mill and Peter Singer both attempt to tie happiness, in respect to the community or world, to morality. The model of Utilitarianism is too extreme and brings more questions than it answers. I will explain Mill’s and Singer’s utilitarian…

A Comparison of the Economic Philosophies of Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, and Karl Marx


John Stuart Mill

Karl Marx

Words: 415 (2 pages)

As far back as man has been on earth, he has been driven towards building a community among his peers. Whether that is a community of hunters and gatherers who share whatever the day has brought to them within their tribe, or a larger community which within its structure lie the inner dwellings of division…

Comparison of Mill and Plato’s Views


John Stuart Mill


Words: 1491 (6 pages)

Pleasure: A Comparison of Mill and Plato’s Views Human action should aim at its proper end. Everywhere, people aim for pleasure, wealth, and honor. Although these ends have some value, they are not the chief good for which people should strive. To be an ultimate end, an act must be self-sufficient and final and attainable…

born May 20, 1806, Pentonville, London, United Kingdom
died May 1873, Avignon, France
description John Stuart Mill, also cited as J. S. Mill, was an English philosopher, political economist, Member of Parliament and civil servant. One of the most influential thinkers in the history of classical liberalism, he contributed widely to social theory, political theory, and political economy.
books On Liberty 1859, Utilitarianism 1863, Striyon Ki Paradhinta 1869
education University College London

Influenced: John Rawls, John Maynard Keynes, Robert Nozick, Peter Singer, Isaiah Berlin

Spouse: Harriet Taylor Mill (m. 1851–1858)

Influenced by: Jeremy Bentham, Aristotle, Adam Smith, John Locke, Plato, David Ricardo

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