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Essay Examples

Do Nothing Assignment


Words: 540 (3 pages)

As sat there, I was slowly turning my mind off and trying to not look at anything or anyone. I didn’t want to make it look like I was waiting for someone because I was very curious if this task could be accomplished. It took me probably a good hour to finally get where I…

The funfair – creative writing


Words: 750 (3 pages)

He died floating on he bright blue water of the extravagant pool in his back garden. Now the weather was not the same rain and grey… But the feeling that consumed me after I learnt of his unexpected demise. That feeling. That was exactly what one would call, “rain and grey. ” Since that day…

Favor of the Philosophical Theory of Existentialism and Its Contributions to the World



Words: 917 (4 pages)

Every human being living on the planet Earth experiences life differently although some may argue for monism, dualism, and several other philosophies about existence and reality we all end up choosing otte, which is the best story for our life and circumstances. Rene Descartes is one of the most widely looked upon intellectual persons in…

My Personal Credo and Self Reflection


Words: 499 (2 pages)

I am unique and one of a kind Take every day one step at a time.If you fail, try again. Don’t take things too seriously. Laugh.. a lot. Have faith. Take time to wish on a shooting star. Smile more, frown less Always be yourself. Think outside the box. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone…

Bacon’s Four Idols




Words: 645 (3 pages)

Bacon’s “The Four Idols” discusses the challenges we face in comprehending the world. Bacon classifies these challenges into four types: idols of the Tribe, idols of the Cave, idols of the Marketplace, and idols of the Theatre. According to Bacon, these idols are inherent aspects of human nature that affect everyone. To enhance our understanding…

“The Operation” by Pensri Kiengsiri


Words: 583 (3 pages)

In the story “The Operation,” by Pensri Kiengsiri , a story that has a third persons’ point of view. The reader learns that Kamjorn, the father of the kid, don’t have much affection to Danu because Danu is a victim of polio which made Danu a crippled kid. Its conspiracy leads the reader into having…

Markheim- Robert Louis Stevenson Analysis





Words: 923 (4 pages)

The text from Robert Louis Stevenson’s Markheim begins with the sound of bells striking three in the afternoon in London on Christmas day. As the passage continues, it reveals the conflict faced by the protagonist Markheim, who has committed murder and must now avoid being caught for his crime. The passage describes Markheim’s heightened sense…

Charles-é Douard Jeanneret Known as Le Corbusier



Words: 578 (3 pages)

            Le Corbusier was both an interesting and important character in the context of European and philosophical history. While many of his colleagues were trying their hand at other ventures, Le Corbusier set out to help the people around him. This noble cause is what has cemented his legacy for so many years and it…

Critical Analysis of Where the Mind Is Without Fear


Words: 277 (2 pages)

Tagore’s poem, ‘Where The Mind Is Without Fear’, envisions a nation that is free from fear and oppression. He longs for a society where individuals can freely express themselves without any tension or compulsion. Tagore emphasizes the importance of unrestricted knowledge and the elimination of narrow ideas and loyalties. He believes that British rule has…

Chapter Analysis of The Self from Gilbert Ryle’s The Concept of Mind


Words: 889 (4 pages)

Gilbert Ryle The Concept of Mind The Self Many of us have asked the question: „What would it be if I became you and you became me? ” This problem has often been depicted in literature and cinema in order to find a solution. Gilbert Ryle in the chapter „ The Self” of his book…

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