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Essays on mother to son

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Essay Examples

Comparing Two Poems

mother to son


Words: 726 (3 pages)

Comparing Two PoemsThe comparison between two poems are best analyzed through the form and meaning of the pieces. “Mother to Son” and “Harlem (A Dream Deferred)” both written by the profound poet Langston Hughes, depicts many similarities and differences between the poems. Between these two poems the reader can identify his flow of writing through…

Langston Hughes Poems Analysis

mother to son


Words: 676 (3 pages)

Langston Hughes’s poems “Negro Mother”, “Let America be American again” and “Mother to Son” express the status of African Americans in early 20th century American society, and the hope they have for their future. In all three of these poems, Hughes positions the reader to empathise with the African Americans of the early 20th century….

Analysis of Poem “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes

mother to son


Words: 691 (3 pages)

Words of Wisdom “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair”. Mother to Son, written by Langston Hughes is a poem of a mother trying to give her child a heads up on life, and how hard it may get at times. Life has been difficult for her and she wants to make sure that…

To Understand the Beauty of Poetry

mother to son

Poem Comparison

Words: 1235 (5 pages)

To understand the beauty of poetry one needs to dig deep into what each poet has created. Some poems have withstood the test of time and have made an impact, hence the reason why poems are still being taught and analyzed today. Poetry knows no genre or boundaries, but the most exquisite thing about it…

The Image of the Mother in Langston Hughes’ “Mother to Son” Analysis

Langston Hughes

mother to son

Words: 946 (4 pages)

As a child of the early twentieth century, Langston Hughes endured trying times. Hughes and his mother lived most of their lives in poverty. As a young teen, Hughes began writing poems about the world he saw through his eyes – a world of racial segregation and prejudice. This was the basis of many of…

Frequently Asked Questions about mother to son

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Does Mother to Son end in the final lines?
In this passage the speaker offers support to her son. She wants him to keep climbing and striving, despite the obstacles he faces. And she offers her own example as encouragement—she's “still climbin'” despite everything. Each of these lines is end-stopped.
What is the conclusion of Mother to Son by Langston Hughes?
In conclusion, Hughes' through this moving poem "Mother to Son" empowers the son and the reader with valuable words of wisdom.
What is the message of Mother to Son?
Major Themes in “Mother to Son”: Hardships, hope, and courage are some of the major themes of the poem. The poem explores the dignity and determination of a person when facing problems. The speaker compares her life to a ragged staircase and conjures up an idea that one should not give up.
Why is Mother to Son informal language?
The informal language creates an image of the mother for the reader. For the informal language to be present in the poem portrays a middle aged women that has been through many life experiences with valuable advice to share with her son. ... The persona, through informal language, is African American.

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