Essays on Phobia Page 2
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Essay Examples
Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy
Oedipus complex
Little Hans was a young boy who was the subject of a study of castration anxiety and the Oedipus complex by Sigmund Freud. This important publication was the first of clinical material that derived directly from the treatment of a child and was presented by evidence as support of Freud’s theories of infantile sexuality. Another…
Does Claustrophobia cause people to deviate from confined areas
Does Claustrophobia Cause People to Deviate from Confined Areas?References Does Claustrophobia cause people to deviate from confined areas? The independent variable is claustrophobia, and the dependent variable is the confined areas. Our hypothesis to this question is yes claustrophobia can be cured and reduced by cognitive behavioral therapy. The issue of claustrophobia is very important…
Using classical conditioning to desensitize people to their phobias
Over the past 100 years, numerous experiments and studies were conducted to investigate classical conditioning, one of the most famous study being that of “Little Albert”, which resulted in the young boy in question being left with a strong fear towards anything which resembled a white rat. This study is a prime example of how…
Good Things to Know about Hypnosis?
Clinical Psychology
HYPNOSISINTRODUCTION Albert Einstein reckoned that humans use only about 10% of their brains. According to some reports, while hypnotised, we could gain access to the other 90%. Every human being who is mentally sound can be hypnotised to some degree. You can use hypnosis for a lot of things, for instance to control weight, pain,…
Homophobia: a Definition
Even well-educated people seem not to know what the word “homophobia” actually means outside the political arena where the word is said to be nothing but an empty political charge. I’m sure that the charge of homophobia is sometimes made purely as a political tactic. But that fact should not make us blind to the…
Relationship Between Stress, Anxiety, Habits and Phobias
Acute Stress: Generally identified as stress, symptoms comprise of tension and physical disturbances such as sleep. This is treaTABLE within about 6 weeks with hypnotherapy, Episodic Acute Stress: More severe and long term which can cause symptoms such as migraines, stroke, heart attack and Castro disorders such as BIBS. This can be treated you must…
Ablutophobia: The Fear of Washing and Bathing
Panic attack
Ablutophobia, the fear of washing, bathing, and cleaning, is an intense fear that presents little to no danger. Symptoms of this phobia include breathlessness, dizziness, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, feeling sick, shaking, heart palpitations, difficulty speaking or thinking clearly. It also includes a fear of death or loss of control and a sense of…
Writing assignment for 9/11
Clinical Psychology
“Mason’s Hierarchy of Needs” Mason’s hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Moscow in his 1943 paper ‘A Theory of Human Motivation” in Psychological Review. Moscow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans’ innate curiosity. His theories parallel many other theories of human developmental psychology, some of which…
Stress Anxiety Phobias And Habits
Stress Stress is not a medical diagnosis, but if it continues on for a long period of Tim , severe stress can lead to anxiety or depression or much more severe mental health problems. The most common symptoms in people who may be suffering from stress are firstly psychological changes. These changes can be by…
Case Study Assigmnent
Classical Conditioning
Anxiety is defined as a vague, uneasy feeling of discomfort or dread accompanied by an automatic response. The source of anxiety is often nonspecific or unknown to the individual. It is a feeling of apprehension caused by anticipation of danger and can be a potential signal that warns of impending danger, enabling the individual to…