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Essay Examples
Jimmy Carter and the Energy Crisis
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter and the Energy Crisis of the 1970’s In the speech that President Jimmy Carter preached he regarded plenty of important things, but one of the main ones was the issue with the energy. 0n his speech he says that one thing he has been asking himself is “why hasn’t the nation been able…
President Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Reconstruction Era
After the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln sought to quickly heal and reunify the nation. Unfortunately, Lincoln was assassinated in 1865 right after Robert E. Lee surrendered. Consequently, Vice President Andrew Johnson took charge of the Reconstruction plans and assumed the presidency following Lincoln’s death. President Andrew Johnson carried on with the endeavors to promote…
Lincoln County, New Mexico War
Abraham Lincoln
In 19th century, a New Mexico territory was involved in a fracas involving cattle barons. The war, later known as the Lincoln County War resulted in the death of nearly ¼ of the county’s population (PBS, 2008) It all began when John Tunstall, a young, rich Englishman and Alexander McSween, a lawyer, established the H.H….
Abraham Lincoln and the Second Revolution
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln is the most important president who fought to keep young America stay whole. The Civil War the single most defining War, next to the American Revolution. James McPherson the author of the Pulitzer- Prize winning “Battle cry of Freedom,” was praised by the New York Times Book Review as “History writing in highest order.” It…
The Moon Speech Analysis
John F Kennedy
Public Speaking
During the sixties American society was known to be a both scholarly and popular cultural period. A lot of countries around the world were still recovering from World War II. In Europe their social class structure was destroyed during the war and by the beginning of the 1960s many working-class people could afford common household…
Presidential Approval
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
President of the United States
Presidential Election
Presidential Approval & Congressional Productivity Introduction: Presidential approval ratings are an important measurement for determining how effective the nation’s leader is in appealing to public interest. Measuring presidential approval is beneficial in understanding the public’s perception of the president’s actions. In most cases, presidential approval ratings fall soon after being elected. Other than Reagan and…
Ronald reagan research paper
Ronald Reagan
He worked to bring forth the ideal of conservatism in America and successfully captured and isolated that belief in the presidency. As president, Reagan worked to bring the ideal of American exceptionalness back to the country, to set the economy on the right track, and to end the Communist threat that had been present since…
Affordable Care Act and Obamacare Essay
Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act also known as ACA, “the law” and “Obamacare” was passed in March of 2010. As stated by Showalter, 2017 “the legislation was not a single statue but was a combination of Patient Protection and ACA of 2010, Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, Indian Health Care Improvement Reauthorization and…
Compromise of 1877
United States
In the history of the American presidency, there have been two elections that are considered to be infamous. The more recent of the two occurred in the year 2000, when the election between George W. Bush and Al Gore became mired in controversy over disputed returns. The election had to be settled by the…
Presidential Immunity
Donald Trump
Presidential Election
The predicament of whether President’s, who are currently established during their term, embody absolute immunity from civil lawsuits was reintroduced by Paula Corbin Jones in 1994 against former President Bill Clinton. Paula Jones, a previous Arkansas state employee, professed that while she was working under the state she became victim to multiple despicable sexual advances…