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Essay Examples

Emotional Intelligence: The Secret of Successful Entrepreneurship

Emotional intelligence



Words: 1817 (8 pages)

Abstract The Entrepreneurship is the process of designing launching and running a new business , which is often initially a small business.The people who create this businesses are called Enterpreneur. It is redolent with the passion, energy, and creativity dascribed to the men and women who forge new business ventures by discovering, generating, and stimulating…

The Importance of Honesty According to Christianity and the Bible


Words: 842 (4 pages)

This essay will discuss whether ‘honesty is the best policy’. It is written through the eyes of a Christian, and will often refer to the Bible. The essay will bring up biblical matters, and also issues that affect the lives of others and ourselves, that relate to honesty. Being honest has many benefits. In the…

I Believe: Equal Rights for All


Words: 448 (2 pages)

I believe that every person should be treated with equal rights. Rights play a huge role in everybody’s life but some people do not realize that not all people are affected positively. Just because it doesn’t affect you in a negative way doesn’t mean it not affecting someone else in a bad way and should…

I Believe, But Not in Me


Words: 959 (4 pages)

It is a weird world where we can question science but not religion. The fact is that religion is a very sensitive area. Framing laws for religion invites controversies, debates and even deaths. Karnataka, like elsewhere, in India has its share of superstitious practices. There are some dangerous practices like throwing of babies off the…

Speak By Laurie Halse Anderson: Fighting Her Way To The Top



Words: 834 (4 pages)

Speak is an ironic title for a story where the main character, Melinda, chooses not to speak. In the captivating novel, Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda Sordino enters her first year of high school. Prior to the start of freshman year at Merryweather High School, Melinda goes to a party with three other friends,…

Rhetorical Analysis Project: How To Win The Trust Of Readers?


Words: 1544 (7 pages)

The discourse community that will be discussed today is biopsychology. Biopsychology explores how the brain and nervous system affect human behavior. In order, to regard audience the understanding of understand emotions, behavior, and other aspects of biology that influence us, biopsychologists must conduct the genre of research studies. The main purpose of research studies is…

Social Media communication, professional and personally


Personal Experience

Social Media

Words: 728 (3 pages)

How does social media communication impact you both professional and personally? Social media changed how we send messages. Sending acronyms and Emoticons to each other has changed the way people communicate with each other. It is seen as a quick response to a conversation. It is an evolving language that changes all the time. It…

Punctuality and Honesty Is the Lot of Professionals


Words: 997 (4 pages)

The conduct aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person’; and it defines a profession as ‘a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation.’ Yes, I agree with these three scenarios are examples of unprofessional behavior. Be if we look at point 1 of the challenge…

Communicative competence versus Linguistic competence


Words: 837 (4 pages)

Saville-Troike (2006) defines communicative competence as what a speaker needs to know to communicate appropriately within a language community” (p. 100). In an essay of 700 to 800 words, discuss the following: How is communicative competence different from pure linguistic competence? What else is involved in communicative competence in addition to linguistic ability? Do you…

Trifles and A Jury of Her Peers: A Comparison






Words: 745 (3 pages)

Susan Glaspell worte two different forms of literature that has basically the same plot, setting and characters. The main difference, of course, was the way the story was presented. She first wrote the play “Trifles” which was about two females being able to solve a puzzle as to what the motive of a woman who…

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