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Essay Examples
Counselling Concepts Level 2
Cognitive Psychology
Theory of Mind
The decision to take this course was rooted in a deepening interest in psychotherapy, self–development, the welfare of other people and in a desire to gain a theoretical base to enrich my current arts and health practice. I understand counselling to be a helping practice that differs from other helping activities, such as teaching for…
Communication: cognitive dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance
The origin of cognitive dissonance theories is frequently attributed to the writings of the American social psychologist Leon Festinger. Festinger (1957) described the experience of cognitive dissonance as resulting from a need for psychological consistency that follows a “non-fitting relation among cognitions” (Festinger, 3) that exists between pairs of elements. Elements refer to cognition, which…
Instant Gratification
Chow, Charlene Instant Gratification and Apathy do not think that instant gratification causes apathy. In The Brave New World , the citizens of the World State take soma in order to break free from the worries of the society and to satisfy their need for pleasure. This causes the people to be vulnerable to who…
Belonging in Human Existence
Belonging is dependent on the perspective of the individual Belonging is an inevitable human condition that empowers an individual for better or sometimes for worse. It is a concept that deals with the human need or desire to feel a connection with a person, place, community or thing. Perceptions and ideas of belonging, or of…
Half of a yellow sun, how is Olanna’s outlook changed by the war?
How Olanna’s privileged outlook changed by the war? The war is of key significance in “Half of a yellow sun”. Several characters had to adjust their perspective in order to survive the war, Adichie relies on several aspects to develop and change Olanna’s disposition, such as the loss of her family, which in consequence, made…
Communication in Families
People have important things to communicate. Speaking from your heart allows the emotionally difficult, the ordinary, and the wonderful things in our lives to be communicated and received” (David McArthur and Bruce McArthur). Communication within my family has not always been easy. In fact, at times it has been non-existent. However, we have been able…
Communication channels, audiences and groups
Ion channel
Introduction. Before any organization can implement sound communication channels, it is essential to understand the background of effective communication, which is strategic communication. Strategic communication involves disseminating information to a group of people and obtaining their opinions and thoughts on impending issues addressed by the disseminating party. Therefore, strategic communication is not one-sided; instead, it…
Emotions in Interpersonal Communication and Successful Dealing
When helping clients and assessing them, it is very important to be aware of your actions. Clients are very attentive to the professionals demeanor. Because most clients are apprehensive upon arrival they will not divulge of the information needed to successfully treat them. “Interpersonal communication includes communication that occurs with your words and through your…
Location: A Strategy of Place
Competitive Advantage
Fast food restaurant
SUMMARY Professor Juan Alcacer, a teacher in the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School, emphasizes the importance of adopting a long-term geographic strategic approach when expanding businesses. Regardless of whether the expansion is within a nearby town or internationally, this article stresses the significance of considering tactical factors and timing when opening new operations. Furthermore,…
Pros and cons subjects
Human Sexuality
Intimate relationships
Nature Of sex education But he that shall scandal one of these little ones that believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea. ? Matthew 18:6 The nature of sex, itself, must first be…