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Essay Examples

Predecessor-Successor Auditor Communications: Assignment


Words: 404 (2 pages)

Using physical evidence has a limitation because things may not always look as how they appear. Ernst & Whinney believed they were at one of ZZZZ Best’s restoration sites, but in fact Minkow had spent $4 million on a building. He did this to make it look like the building was one of his restoration…

This Land Is Your Land, Woody Guthrie Analysis

Folk Music





Words: 1121 (5 pages)

The poem “This Land is Your Land” by Woody Guthrie is originally a seven stanza poem that is often cut short in the recorded versions known to many. The poem’s main element is imagery of America’s landmarks to exorcise an emotion out of the reader. The first four stanzas have a much more celebratory tone…

The Emotions of Grendel the Monster


Essays Database

Words: 517 (3 pages)

Emotions are not just for humans. Animals have emotions too yet do we dub them human? No, we don’t, even though they too feel anger, sadness, and pain Grendel, thou he is a monster, has emotions. Would anyone consider him human? No, we all consider him a bloodthirsty monster. Animals, when they lose someone in…

The Enneagram: How well do you know yourself?


Self Reflection

Words: 1726 (7 pages)

Abstract The Enneagram Personality Test is the most basic multi-purpose tool identifier of a personality type by answering certain basic question. The Enneagram offers more than labeling and categorizing. It opens a critical debate about similarities and diversity amongst people and provides language for describing a wide range of human tendencies. It also helps students…

Communication and Cultural Features in Finland, Japan, India


Words: 3603 (15 pages)

People from different countries communicate in ways that often lead to misunder-standings. Our argument, based on Hall’s theory of high/low context cultures (1959, 1966, 1976, 1983), is that these differences are related to different communication cultures. We argue that Japan and Finland belong to high context cultures, while In-dia is closer to a low context…

Horizontal Communication


Words: 354 (2 pages)

Managers communicate downward to subordinates more frequently than they communicate upward to superiors. This is because the type of communication that exist between the managers and their employees or subordinates include transmission of cogent information, giving directives on how to achieve organizational goals, declaring the decision(s) made by the Board of directors or the CEO…

Are Post Apocalyptic Authors Pessimists or Idealists

George Orwell

Mahatma Gandhi


Words: 1294 (6 pages)

Commonly misunderstood, post apocalyptic authors are actually trying to convey warning messages to ensure the sovereignty of human ideals and to retain them in face of utter turmoil. Post apocalyptic authors create an imaginative dull society in a realistic scenario where individuals with moral values and ideals still exist and rise up against the oppressive…

John Allen Hendrix in Washington


Written communication

Words: 3087 (13 pages)

John Allen Hendrix, also known as Jimi Hendrix, was born on November 27, 1942 at Seattle General Hospital in Washington. Despite growing up in a less privileged background, he found solace in playing the guitar. Initially, he played an old acoustic guitar and later transitioned to a cost-effective Silvertone electric guitar. It is important to…

Scarlet Letter Scaffold Scenes Research Paper

Scarlet Letter

Written communication

Words: 568 (3 pages)

Essay and research paper discussing the scaffold scenes in The Scarlet Letter. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter illuminates the growth of Hester Prynne through the use of three scaffold scenes. These scenes serve as a symbolism for Hester’s enforced isolation, her rejection by society, and the futility of her punishment. In the first scene, the…

My name is asher lev By Chaim Potok






Words: 1797 (8 pages)

My name is asher lev By chaim potok A Book Review and Reflection Paper It is undoubtedly true that people have their own dreams, their own aspirations in life, and their own inspirations for living their lives. Likely, it is because of this fact that people are able to struggle for being the right kind…

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