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Essay Examples


Max Schulman’s Essay Love Is a Fallacy Analysis



Words: 385 (2 pages)

It is likely that some would read Max Schulman’s essay entitled “Love Is a Fallacy,” and view it as ‘anti-women. ’ Others would be just as likely to see it as ‘anti-men. ’ Objectively speaking, neither view is entirely correct. This is because, equally strong arguments can be made for both cases. A more accurate…

The importance of arts and humanities (response paper)


Words: 1492 (6 pages)

Nowadays, with the growing technocratization and industrialization of global society, the significance of education in arts and humanities is gradually becoming overlooked, since the most radical materialists claim that the knowledge of Shakespeare or Milton is not likely to help in treating serious diseases or gaining appropriate income. This position is to some extent justified:…

Study Habits and Academic Achievement

Academic achievement

Bad Habits

Words: 1217 (5 pages)

Education is commonly referred to as the process of learning and obtaining knowledge at school, in a form of formal education. Generally, at the start of a very young age, children learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers, which they acquire through various types of education. The process of education does…

Research Proposal on Impacts of Microfinance in Kenya


Poverty reduction

Words: 2691 (11 pages)

Background of the Study The need for development that saw the Kenya develop several strategies and plans such as the vision 2030 and the millennium development goals has led to development of the finance sector. The need for financing of the development projects has developed microfinance institutions in the country.Microfinance has received a lot of…

Anti globalisation


Words: 6019 (25 pages)

Introduction The 1960s saw a transformation in certain commodities on the global market. This transformation did not only include the many goods that arrived on the global market but also aspects like intellectual property, financial institutions and money capital. From the experiences of these developments, sociologists have been quick to conclude that globalization has become…

Why the Us Should Have Dropped the Atomic Bombs on Japan

Atomic Bomb


Nuclear Power

Nuclear weapon

Words: 1303 (6 pages)

Should the use of the atomic bomb on Japan in 1945 by the USA be justified? The year 1945 marked the continuation of tensions among nations as the war entered its sixth year. Military factions of the nations involved were now contemplating the end of the war and discussing how the global ceasefire would be…

An Explanation of the Usage of FWA in the Organization for Women


Women'S Rights

Words: 812 (4 pages)

Abstract Women in organizations act as career self-agents. Women workers of the 21″ century determine how much and where they can work. This paper explains FWAs usage in the organization as a strategic tool for women in meeting their financial, societal and other responsibilities. Introduction Women contributions in organizations, is immense. Statistics reveal that women…

The Effects of Mass Media on Violence

Mass Media



Words: 1929 (8 pages)

The effect of mass media on various aspects of the society is a contentious issue among academicians, social scientists, and other interested parties such as politicians, citizen groups, and parents, with the basic question being whether the media is beneficial to the society or leads to destruction. One of the most addressed mass media topic…

Same-Sex Marriage Argumentative


Same Sex Marriage

Words: 1202 (5 pages)

There are so many reasons that same-sex marriage shouldn’t even be a discussion such as; marriage is or procreation, same-sex marriage isn’t the optimum environment to raise children, and same-sex marriage violates the sacred institution of marriage. Same-sex marriage is one Of the most talked about topics in the news and in today’s society because…

Safeguarding and protecting of vulnerable adults – Unit 514


Mental Disorder


Social work

Words: 2274 (10 pages)

1.1 Safeguarding means to ‘safeguard’ an individual, to promote and prompt the safety of a vulnerable child or adult. Ensuring you have appropriate measures in place to maximise the safeguarding of others. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility that comes into contact with a vulnerable person and it is their responsibility to raise an alert immediately should…

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What are the key elements of a Social Issues essay

The key elements of a social issues essay are a strong thesis, a clear and concise introduction, well-developed and supported body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A social issues essay should also be well-organized and well-written.

How to start essay on Social Issues

There is no one answer to this question. It depends on the particular social issue you are addressing in your essay. You might begin by discussing the history of the issue, or by providing an overview of the current situation. You could also start by telling a personal story that illustrates the importance of the issue. Whatever approach you take, make sure to grab your reader’s attention and give them a reason to care about the issue you are discussing.

General Essay Structure for this Topic

  1. The Industrial Revolution And Social Change
  2. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Social Structure
  3. The Industrial Revolution And The Rise Of The Working Class
  4. The Industrial Revolution And The Decline Of The Aristocracy
  5. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Women
  6. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Children
  7. The Industrial Revolution And The Growth Of Cities
  8. The Industrial Revolution And The Environment
  9. The Industrial Revolution And Religion
  10. The Legacy Of The Industrial Revolution

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