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Social Issues Essay Examples Page 38

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Essay Examples


Judicial Activism versus Judicial Restraint Analysis

Affirmative Action

Constitutional Law

Equal Protection Clause



Political science

United States law

Words: 747 (3 pages)

                                                           Grutter v. Bollinger                         The ruling of the Supreme Court regarding Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) invites rigorous debate as to whether or not the majority opinion in the case, which concluded that   “factoring race into the admissions decisions of the University of Michigan Law School was compatible with the Constitution” (Pollak, 2005), in fact,…

Store Layout and Design


Words: 1986 (8 pages)

Traditional Medical store Vs. Med-Plus Submitted To: Contents 1. Introduction In most developed countries, the drug stores are housed within bigger shops like Walgreens, CVS Pharmacy etc. where there’s separation of prescription medicines and Over-The-Counter (OTC) drugs. OTC drugs can be purchased without prescription whereas medicines like antibiotics require prescription and is issued only upon…

Ethical Report of British Petroleum Plc (BP)


Petroleum Industry

Words: 2907 (12 pages)

One of the world’s worldwide largest and well-known oil companies is British Petroleum Plc (BP). BP grants its customers with alternative energies such as fuel, gas, petrochemical products for everyday stuffs. Even though, the company wishes to act upon on corporate social responsibility, for instance reducing its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions they still succumb due…

Marxism and Miguel Street Analysis


Social Class

Trinidad And Tobago

Words: 1265 (6 pages)

In studying literature, the literary theory of Marxism views a work of literature as the product of the historical forces and the conditions in which it was written in. A Marxist can analyze a work by examining these conditions and comparing the work with the social reality of that particular society. In V.S Naipaul’s Miguel…

John Locke’s Second Treatise

John Locke

Natural law

Words: 1768 (8 pages)

Second Treatise on government The political philosophy of the Second Treatise, like all political philosophies, rests upon an interpretation of human nature. Locke viewed man as a pretty decent fellow, far removed from the quarrelsome, competitive, selfish creatures found in Hobbes. He has more inclination to society and is more governed by reason, “the common…

Analysis: “Ideals of Human Excellence and Preserving Natural Environments”



Words: 1549 (7 pages)

“Save the Planet,” “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,” “Go Green. ” Quotes like these have become a commonality in today’s age. We all are familiar with the large efforts to help preserve the environment. In “Ideals of Human Excellence and Preserving Natural Environments,” Thomas E. Hill Jr. sums up his essay by stating, “The point is not…

Energy Theory Analysis Overview


Words: 467 (2 pages)

Energy is essential for various activities like transportation, growth, and development. All living organisms, including humans, obtain energy from the sun. There are different types of energy: kinetic, potential, thermal, chemical, electrical, and mechanical. Kinetic energy relates to movement while potential energy depends on an object’s position or arrangement. Thermal energy refers to heat in…

Overview on Philippine Partnership Caltex




Words: 1095 (5 pages)

History: More Than 85 Years of Philippine Partnership Caltex gained its foothold in the Philippines in 1917 when Texas Company (as Texaco was then known) began marketing the products in the Philippines through a local distributor, Wise and Co. Four years later, Texaco (Philippines) was formally established and opened its office in Binondo, Manila. Eleven…

Prop 19 Pros and Cons

Criminal Law



Words: 581 (3 pages)

Their are many pros to prop 19 as well as cons. I believe the pros out weight the cons. Some of the pros would be a common sense control of marijuana, it will help stop wasting taxpayer dollars on failed marijuana prohibition. Controls and taxes marijuana like alcohol, and will only be available to adults….

Analysis/ Synthesis

Freedom of Speech



Words: 1279 (6 pages)

Analysis/ Synthesis Essay             Introduction             For many of us, argumentative ideas become the background for self-expression. Talented analysts, writers, and professionals publicly express their viewpoints and try to persuade the rest of the nation in the rightness of their moral and ethical (or legal) approaches. We are still unable to perfectly well determine the…

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What are the key elements of a Social Issues essay

The key elements of a social issues essay are a strong thesis, a clear and concise introduction, well-developed and supported body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A social issues essay should also be well-organized and well-written.

How to start essay on Social Issues

There is no one answer to this question. It depends on the particular social issue you are addressing in your essay. You might begin by discussing the history of the issue, or by providing an overview of the current situation. You could also start by telling a personal story that illustrates the importance of the issue. Whatever approach you take, make sure to grab your reader’s attention and give them a reason to care about the issue you are discussing.

General Essay Structure for this Topic

  1. The Industrial Revolution And Social Change
  2. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Social Structure
  3. The Industrial Revolution And The Rise Of The Working Class
  4. The Industrial Revolution And The Decline Of The Aristocracy
  5. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Women
  6. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Children
  7. The Industrial Revolution And The Growth Of Cities
  8. The Industrial Revolution And The Environment
  9. The Industrial Revolution And Religion
  10. The Legacy Of The Industrial Revolution

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