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We found 34 free papers on Socrates
Essay Examples
Was Socrates Wise?
Socrates, an Athenian philosopher who lived from 469 BC until his very unnecessary death in 399 BC, has had his wisdom called into question many times since he has been studied. But to know whether some is wise, we must first know what it means to be wise. According to Websters Dictionary, to be is…
Socrates Worldview
Origin This question focuses on why there is something rather than nothing. Socrates uses the theory of recollection as evidence to prove his theory of creation. This theory of creation introduces that our souls have an existence before this earthly life. Socrates believes that, “…the living have come from the dead no less than the…
No one knowingly does evil: an on the Socratic principle
The contention that no one knowingly does evil is one of the most fundamental principles championed by Socrates. The very essence of this Socratic principle dwells on the assumption that if a man understands very well that such and such acts are wrong or result to evil, or such that if a man is indeed…
Alcibiades, Pericles and the Athenian Ideal: An Analysis
IntroductionOne of the popular historical accounts that many historians and analysts still study today is the history of the Peloponnesian War as it was described by Thucydides. It was a long, drawn out war that involved some of the best armies and navies in this part of the European continent, as well as notable political…
Reaction to “The Apology” by Plato
“The Apology” by Plato has a significant and direct bearing on modern Western Civilization because it places virtue and honor on a pedestal and urges men to live righteously and be willing to die for the sake of righteousness if necessary. Successful western countries like the United States are not perfect, but history will…
Plato’s Socrates and Aristotle on the Soul
Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, was born in 384 BC and died in 322 BC. He studied under Plato and later became the teacher of Alexander the Great. According to Wikipedia, Aristotle was a prolific writer who covered a wide range of subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology…
Your Elusive Creative Genius
Your elusive creative genius -Elizabeth Gilbert “Everyone one of my books have killed me a little more. ” -Norman Mailer Elizabeth Gilbert a 40 year old writer whose love and fascination is writing talks about creativity, its original and extraordinary concept and how people have now come to the point where they pressurize the creative…
Apology: Socrates’ Stance on Death and Wickedness
It would only be expected for an individual to naturally attempt to escape from death if given the chance. In a similar sense, it would only be appropriate to assume that individuals would have an innate tendency to refrain from wicked acts as much as possible. However, despite certain similarities, escaping death and avoiding the…
Crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ and Socrates
This essay states the comparisons of the death and crucifixion of Jesus Christ Socrates. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is an event that occurred during the 1st century AD. Jesus, whom Christians believe to be the Son of God as well as the Messiah, was arrested, tried, and sentenced by Pontius Pilate to be scourged,…
Comparing Socrates and Jesus
Socrates Socrates, a Greek philosopher, believed in virtue and that there was a right way for men to act. He spent his life seeking knowledge of what is right through dialogue (conversation between two or more persons) to arrive at truth. His ideas and methods had a lasting influence on Western philosophy, especially his concern…