Socrates Page 4
We found 34 free papers on Socrates
Essay Examples
Socrates Defines Justice
Socrates engages in a discussion with other philosophers to determine the true essence of justice. In Plato’s Republic, the conversation commences in Book 1 as Socrates and his colleagues examine Cephalus’ perspective. Cephalus asserts that justice equates to honesty and fulfilling one’s obligations, drawing from his personal experience as a prosperous, aged individual who inherited…
The Crito by Plato
The Crito Out of the many dialogues written by Plato, The Crito is one of the brief dialogues he had written which discussed an essential characteristic of state-society relationship. This dialogue served as a prologue to his greatest work – The Republic – where the covenant of the society with the state is further elaborated….
The Duties to the State According to Socrates: Obedience and Installation of Justice
The first obligation of the man to the state is this- obedience. Socrates through several dialogues of Plato has made this both implicit and explicit. For instance, in the Crito, Socrates says, “The just man must always obey what the city commands of him even if it commands him unjustly to go to his death”….
Piety VS Impiety (Euthyphro & Socrates)
The debate between Euthyphro and Socrates revolves around the true meaning of piety and impiety. In society, piety is generally understood as worshiping God or fulfilling sacred obligations. However, Socrates, who faces charges of impiety, meets Euthyphro at the king’s court. Euthyphro intends to prosecute his own father for accidentally killing one of his workers….