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Essay Examples

United States Cabinet and Senate Collaboration

United States

Words: 556 (3 pages)

The United States Cabinet is a branch of the Executive Office and is composed of unelected members and has been in existence ever since the time of President George Washington. The members of cabinet are said to be the closest advisers of the President. However, this is relative to the purposes the President uses them…

Fort Dobbs, A Historical Site Analysis




United States

Words: 1489 (6 pages)

Fort Dobbs is a historical site located in Statesville, North Carolina. The fort was constructed in 1755 and abandoned by 1766. Though it’s life was short and it only saw one engagement, Fort Dobbs has an important place in North Carolina history. The Fort served many functions during it’s time. It was a safe haven…

Shirley Chisholm Political

United States

Words: 1303 (6 pages)

A political leader for many old ages, and a co-founder of the National adult females s Political Caucus, Shirley Chisholm is the 1 of the most celebrated African – American adult female in political relations. She was the first black adult female to be elected to Congress, and besides was the first black adult females…

Time For a Border Wall in the United States

United States

Words: 648 (3 pages)

    The United States was once a nation that took in immigrants from all over the world and established a national “melting pot”. With over 3.3 million square feet of land (in the contiguous United States), this nation was the perfect receptacle for those individuals who no longer wished to stay in their homeland. Eventually,…

Effects of Women Suffrage on the United Stated Elections


Hillary Clinton

President of the United States

United States


Women's Suffrage

Words: 812 (4 pages)

Gender has played a major role in politics in The United States and specifically in the presidential elections. In politics, it could be differences in opinion between men and women regarding general political issues and candidates. Prior to 1920, women did not have the right to vote. Constitutionally, only white males of certain religions, who…

Review over the Paradox of Sitting Bull

United States

Words: 4111 (17 pages)

In the late 1800’s the Americans viciously forced many Native Americans off their lands all because the federal government wanted the U. S. to expand and obtain Manifest Destiny. The main Native American and tribe that stood against the federal government was Sitting Bull, Chief of the Sioux and entire Lakota nation. He led a…

Who Is Christopher Columbus



United States

Words: 644 (3 pages)

The author is trying to tell you who Christopher Columbus is and what he did. Here`s a little about his background, Voyage in the Atlantic, Rout, Ships, and more facts. Christopher Columbus was an Italian adventurer and guide. In 1492, he cruised over the Atlantic from Spain in the Santa Maria, with the Pinta and…

Nationalism Rallied People Across The Country




United States

Words: 841 (4 pages)

In the early 1800’s the North was starting to industrialize and the South would start relying on agriculture and race-based slavery. After the War of 1812 a rising sense of nationalism pulled people together throughout the country. Nationalism was a sense of pride and loyalty to your country. As the two halves of the nation…

Why did the United States become involved in Vietnam in the 1950’s and 1960’s?

United States


Words: 2371 (10 pages)

In the 1950s, the Americans became involved in a conflict in which two million Vietnamese were killed, three million wounded and twelve million Indochinese people forced to become refugees. In this same war, the United States counted fifty seven thousand six hundred and eighty five troops killed. They saw one hundred and fifty three thousand,…

Ethnic Minorities in the Usa

United States

Words: 2049 (9 pages)

Social and Economic Issues There are four main ethnic minority groups in the United States: African Americans The distribution of African Americans in the US was traditionally concentrated in the southern states. However, for a number of years in the latter part of the 20th century, large African American populations have developed in northern cities…

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