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Essay Examples

The Missing United States 

United States Constitution

Words: 696 (3 pages)

In 1877, the reconstruction the United States admitted change to our constitution the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, and pledged their loyalty to the a truly United States government. Reconstruction also settled the states’ rights vs. federalism debate that split this union. However, Reconstruction failed by most other measures: Radical Republican legislation ultimately failed under…

Roosevelts New Deal Essay

The New Deal

Words: 495 (2 pages)

The Social Security Act is the one of many New Deal programs that I chose to do my essay on. It is a federal safety net for elderly, unemployed and disadvantaged Americans. The original Social Security Act was to give financial benefits to retired people over the age of sixty five based on their lifetime…

The Right to Bear Arms Essay

Second amendment

Words: 746 (3 pages)

The debate over whether or not gun control should be enforced has been a part of America’s history since before it was even a country. There has always been “Gun Grabbers” who think that there is no need for regular civilians to have weapons in their possession, as has there been “Gun Nuts” who believe…

The Amendment That Must Die

Second amendment

Words: 1689 (7 pages)

The Second Amendment or gun control has been one of the biggest social problems that people constantly keep on tabs to prevent society from unwanted violence and crimes that might be taking place at the moment or later in the future. There are currently multiple numbers of cases that have been talked upon regarding the…

Putting Gun Laws on Safety 

Second amendment

Words: 1430 (6 pages)

In 2018 there has been an average of one school shooting a week and countless other acts of gun violence, yet little to no change is being made by the United States government. As protests arise and demands for change become more prominent, media is constantly attempting to rationalized the shooters behavior with allegations of…

How Thomas Jefferson Brought Territory From France to the United States

Louisiana Purchase

Words: 496 (2 pages)

For America to get to the economic status that it’s at, there were decisions that had to be made. Policies had to be enforced in order for America to be a thriving country in the future. These policies had to be enforced by early U.S. presidents. Some foreign policies that were used by early U.S….

Neil M. Maher “Nature’s New Deal”



The New Deal

Words: 618 (3 pages)

In the introduction he introduces the concept of politics and nature conservation converges. He argues that there exist landscapes where politics and conservation connect and emphasizes that the focus on landscape and how it developed from the New Deal era. This era was the most transformative to the public in regards to the federal government…

The Front Of Our City Hall

Boston Massacre

Words: 582 (3 pages)

The outcome of The Battle of Lexington and Concord persuaded my interest to the Patriot cause because it echoes Locke’s statement that three natural rights, which are “Life, Liberty, and Property”, protect us. These significant words Locke proclaimed has held valuable meaning over the past eighty-six years. It is our duty to fight for what…

Major Achievements of Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency

Louisiana Purchase

Words: 690 (3 pages)

America is a constantly evolving place. It may be hard to believe how brutal/barbaric/ and unfair the past was unless you were there. Thankfully, changes have come from these unfair conditions and paved the way for innovation and growth. The Stamp Act of 1765 was the last straw for the Colonies. This act set in…

The American Prison System

Emancipation Proclamation

Words: 3167 (13 pages)

The American Prison system is economically, mentally, and socially detrimental to African Americans and other minority communities. These targeted behavior of discrimination against minorities within the system leaves long term effects like poverty, and mental instability on those that have been convicted to the system and their families. Not to mention the long lasting effect…

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