“Identities” by W.D Valgardson: a Story of a Wealthy Man Sample

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The narrative is about an affluent man who lives in a clean and orderly neighborhood with his family. He drives his grey Mercedes Benz to a bad neighborhood that is dirty and disorderly. The contrast between the two neighborhoods shows that the man is leaving his comfort zone and is vulnerable in the unfamiliar area. He looks like he fits in with his blue jeans and unshaved face, but his luxury car conflicts with this image, causing confusion and conflict with the locals. The narrative demonstrates the dangers of stepping out of one’s comfort zone and the importance of being aware of one’s surroundings.

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This short narrative is about a affluent adult male who lives in a affluent vicinity with his married woman and kids. He lives in a large house in a good vicinity. “The houses all face the Sun. They have no unreal divisions. There is room for everyone” ( 3 ) describes an country that is clean and orderly. the people are besides really nice and there is non much worry about robbery or larceny. Then. he gets in his Grey Mercedes Benz and thrusts from where he lives into someplace far off into a bad vicinity. This country “a certain untidiness creeps in: a fragment of glass. a cocoa saloon negligee. a fictile Equus caballus. cracked pavements with ridges of stiff grass” ( 3 ) . the countries change and things change from being clean and orderly to soil and interrupt. In the beginning of the narrative “The houses all face the Sun. They have no unreal divisions. There is room for everyone” ( 3 ) . This describes an country that is clean and orderly. and that is a vicinity for good off people who can afford to maintain everything clean. As the character passes out of this country “a certain untidiness creeps in: a fragment of glass. a cocoa saloon negligee. a fictile Equus caballus. cracked pavements with ridges of stiff grass” ( 3 ) .

This contrast in the countries shows that the character is go forthing the country where he lives and knows and is traveling into an country that is less familiar and could present a menace to him. When the character leaves his vicinity. he steps out of his comfort country and is vulnerable because the does non cognize the country. An illustration of the contrast making danger is that he is have oning “blue jeans-matching bloomerss and jacket made in Paris” ( 4 ) and has an unshaved face. This would do him look as if he fits in that country. but he is driving a grey Mercedes. These two things conflict with each other and confound other characters. which is why there is struggle at the terminal of the narrative. The bull feels uneasy because the adult male looks like a stereotyped stealer. yet he really owns the auto.

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“Identities” by W.D Valgardson: a Story of a Wealthy Man Sample. (2017, Aug 13). Retrieved from


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