Important Concepts of Building a Slamball Facility

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The objective is to create a flexible Slamball venue in Atlanta that caters to a diverse range of athletes, such as college students, weekend warriors, and everyday athletes. The aim is to draw these individuals in and then set up leagues and televised games at the facility.

Slamball is a game that combines basketball and football, with a focus on high flying and intense action. The game utilizes the same athletic principles but applies them in a unique way. Each team has four players on the court, with four separate trampolines on each side. The court is also surrounded by fencing, and players wear protective head gear and padding. The goal of Slamball is to captivate viewers with its eye-catching and exhilarating gameplay.

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Slamball, created by Mason Gordon in Los Angeles, California in 2002, is currently broadcasted on Spike TV and produced by Tollins and Robbins in Hollywood, California. This high-flying sport has gained immense popularity among teenagers and skilled athletes across the United States. The facility will offer multiple amenities including two Slamball courts, one regular basketball court, a concession stand, a trophy room, two weight rooms, one training room, two locker rooms, a walking track, moveable stands for viewing, and offices for employees.

I intend to bring Slamball to the city of Atlanta, specifically within the perimeter loop. The key requirement for the multi-purpose facility is its centralization within the city. By achieving this, I expect to draw in the morning workers, teenagers, and the talented athletes of Atlanta.

The Slamball business plan includes the following: start-up expenses, projected earnings and expenses for the first year, market analysis summary, targeted market segments, personal budget, investing options, and interest rates for short-term loans. Private facilities like the multi-purpose Slamball facility have limited investment options. Public funding is not available since it is not a state-owned building. Therefore, my venture will seek private investors for both start-up and continuous funding.

I will try to obtain funding by offering shares of the company. If this is unsuccessful, I will approach banking institutions for loans. Conducting demographic research is crucial for the success of a business. To thrive, a business must have a target audience or customer base.

The business needs to be aware of the duration it takes for its clients to travel to their establishment. Slamball will conduct research on the clients within different drive-time intervals: 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes. Additionally, Slamball will gather information on the median income, disposable income, and total population of these selected groups. This demographic research will help Slamball identify favorable marketing opportunities.

To ensure public attention for Slamball, it is crucial to choose the right marketing channels. The target audience includes teenage athletes, weekend physical activity participants, and gym-goers for leisure purposes. To reach them effectively, television, radio, and print media will be utilized. Furthermore, overseeing the facility’s construction and upkeep will require a management team consisting of an architect, consultant, head contractor, head plumber, head electrician, and facility manager.

Picking the right architect is crucial and time-consuming. Slamball will hire an architect with ample experience and expertise in designing multi-purpose facilities. It is essential to have a consultant on board to ensure the success of recreational and televised Slamball. To determine the suitable consultant for our needs, I will seek recommendations from Mason Gordon, the inventor of Slamball.

It is crucial to have someone overseeing the project who possesses the same qualifications as the architect in order to ensure ADA compliance. The task of ensuring ADA standards are met in a multi-purpose facility can be challenging. In the Slamball facility, elevators and ramps will be installed inside to grant individuals with disabilities access to the second floor.

The ADA standards for the Slamball court are not a concern since it is unlikely that individuals using wheelchairs will be engaging in trampoline jumps. Efficient operations of Slamball require the presence of storage space and loading decks. The storage area must accommodate movable seats, spare court parts, and other facility essentials. Additionally, a loading dock is needed for transporting the courts to larger venues for mass viewing in case the sport becomes popular.

Slamball will employ a range of staff members including managers, wage employees, and maintenance staff. The employees will have diverse ages to reflect the age diversity among the client pool. The maintenance staff will be responsible for repairing and maintaining the Slamball courts as well as other areas of the facility.

The Slamball facility is committed to providing excellent care and appeal for both the internal and external aspects of the facility. This commitment extends to offering high-quality amenities in the locker rooms, including well-maintained bathrooms, showers, and all available public amenities. Additionally, the training rooms will be furnished with cutting-edge essentials like whirlpools to meet the athletes’ requirements.

During league games, a physical trainer will be present to attend to any injuries. Parking at Slamball, which is located inside the loop, can be difficult. There is designated parking for facility members, but options for parking for Slamball viewers are currently under review. Creating a smooth traffic flow within the facilities can attract clients, but it can also have a negative impact.

Slamball ensures that machines are spaced out to avoid congestion, while the facility’s parking areas allow for easy entry and exit. The facility’s location also provides tight security, especially considering that many events take place at night and require additional outside security measures.

This will enable us to monitor the parking lots and escort patrons to their cars. The games will be highly competitive, thus requiring tight security. Instances of fights and arguments are expected to occur, and our security team will promptly address them. Slamball intends to attract both TV sponsors and local sponsors.

In order to achieve success in Atlanta, we have planned to promote our sponsors by displaying banners and distributing flyers. Additionally, everyone participating in Slamball will be required to sign waivers. For added protection, we will maintain general liability and vehicle insurance that covers risks associated with our facility.

By following these steps, Slamball’s development and management team can ensure the success of our business. We understand that building and sustaining a business requires continuous learning, so Slamball is prepared to make any necessary changes in order to excel.

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Important Concepts of Building a Slamball Facility. (2018, May 29). Retrieved from

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