Confucius Redefined The Term Gentleman As Which of The Following?

Updated: March 09, 2023
A gentleman is someone who is virtuous and honorable. Confucius redefined the term gentleman to mean someone who is virtuous, honorable, and has a strong sense of propriety.
Detailed answer:

Confucius redefined the term gentleman to mean someone who is virtuous, honorable, and has a strong sense of propriety. He believed that this would help people attain peace and happiness in their lives. He believed that these attributes made one worthy of being called a gentleman because they demonstrated that one had learned how to act properly in any given situation based on his knowledge of proper etiquette and social norms.

A gentleman is someone who is virtuous and honorable. Confucius redefined the term gentleman to mean someone who is virtuous, honorable, and has a strong sense of propriety. He believed that this would help people attain peace and happiness in their lives.

The definition of a gentleman was changed by Confucius because he believed that being a gentleman was more than just being honorable. A true gentleman should also have a strong sense of propriety and be able to control his emotions at all times.

Philosopher believed that through self-discipline and learning, one could become a gentleman. In his Analects he stated: “The gentleman’s purposefulness shows in his every word; his seriousness shows in his every move.” He also said: “Those who are good from childhood can be called gentlemen.”

In addition, Confucius defined a gentleman as someone who was morally upright, kind, courteous, generous, polite, loyal to friends and family members, respectful toward elders, charitable toward the poor and needy, modest about wealth or status but not arrogant about it because it was earned through hard work.

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Confucius Redefined The Term Gentleman As Which of The Following?. (2023, Mar 09). Retrieved from