In What Ways Have Various Forms of Entertainment Media Shaped American Culture And Its Values?

Updated: January 10, 2023
Different forms of entertainment media have shaped American culture and its values in various ways. For example, television has had a significant impact on American culture and values, as it has helped to shape public opinion and has influenced the way that people think about and understand the world around them. In addition, social media has also played a role in shaping American culture and values, as it has created a platform for people to share their thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics.
Detailed answer:

The entertainment media has played a significant role in shaping American culture and values.

The first way is by influencing the way Americans view themselves and their society. For example, news coverage often focuses on violent crimes and other negative events that can have a negative effect on viewers’ self-esteem and views about their community. In addition, many reality television shows portray people as being superficial or materialistic, which can also affect how people view themselves and others.

Entertainment media has also played a role in American political and social movements. For example, in the 1960s when the civil rights movement was gaining momentum in America, many popular television shows featured black characters as well as white characters. This helped to break down racial barriers that existed at that time.

Additionally, entertainment media has helped shape American attitudes towards race, gender, and other social issues. For example, programs like “All in the Family,” which premiered in 1971 on CBS, broke ground by addressing controversial issues such as racism and homosexuality head on with humor rather than preaching or lecturing its audience about these important issues.

Moreover, it has been said that the essence of America’s identity is freedom of choice; thus we see ourselves reflected through our choices of entertainment media.

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In What Ways Have Various Forms of Entertainment Media Shaped American Culture And Its Values?. (2023, Jan 10). Retrieved from