“They’re a Rotten Crowd” What Does This Quote Mean?

Updated: November 28, 2022
The quote means that the people the speaker is talking about are not good people.
Detailed answer:

The quote means that the people the speaker is referring to are not good people. The speaker is saying that these people are not to be trusted. The speaker is saying that these people are not good company. The speaker is saying that these people are not good friends. The speaker is saying that these people are not good people to be around. The speaker is saying that these people are not good influences. The speaker is saying that these people are not good examples. The speaker is saying that these people are not to be looked up to. The speaker is saying that these people are not worth spending time with.

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“They’re a Rotten Crowd” What Does This Quote Mean?. (2022, Sep 21). Retrieved from
