The qualities of a hero are many. A hero is someone who is brave and willing to help others, even if it means putting their own life at risk. A hero can be anyone from a firefighter who runs into a burning building to save someone, to a soldier who goes into battle knowing that he or she may never return home. The qualities that make up a good hero include courage, bravery, selflessness, and strength.
A good hero has courage. A person with courage will face danger without fear. They will stand up against evil and not give up no matter how hard things get. They will fight for what they believe in, even if they know they might lose their lives in the process.
A good hero also has bravery. A person with bravery will take risks when others might not want to do so because they believe what they’re doing is right or necessary for the greater good of everyone involved. Bravery isn’t about being fearless in every situation; it’s about doing what needs to be done even when there’s risk involved or when things don’t look good for success at first glance.