DBQ was Carnegie a hero

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s of dollars a year, yet he did not prioritize paying his workers a living wage. Despite this, Andrew Carnegie is still considered a hero in the steel industry because he played a major role in the growth and success of the industry in America. However, his actions towards his workers show a darker side to his legacy. Overall, Andrew Carnegie’s story is one of rags to riches, but it also highlights the complexities of success and the responsibilities that come with it.

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Born from humble beginnings in Scotland, Andrew Carnegie immigrated to the United States with his family and settled in Pittsburgh. Despite facing financial hardships, Carnegie became one of America’s most celebrated businessmen. While he possessed both admirable and flawed qualities, Carnegie’s heroism was evident through his philanthropy and instrumental role in establishing the United States as a leader in the steel industry. However, his shortcomings included neglecting fair wages for his workers and displaying cowardice by abandoning his own company.

Andrew Carnegie was a philanthropic hero, despite his dual nature of being both generous and exploitative. While he freely donated vast amounts to charities and even funded the construction of 2,811 public libraries at a cost of 50,365,000 dollars, he also reduced his workers’ wages unnecessarily (Doc. 10). Nonetheless, his significant wealth rendered such cost-cutting measures unnecessary (Doc. 9).

Document 2 provides Andrew Carnegie’s perspective on the concept of survival of the fittest, emphasizing the importance of wealthy individuals who possess the necessary capabilities overseeing business operations. Carnegie appreciates Social Darwinism as it enabled him to attain a prosperous standing within society. He considers this theory advantageous for all, though those experiencing poverty would likely express contrasting views. The third document further exemplifies Carnegie’s preoccupation with wealth as he expresses a preference for leaving a business that solely offers an annual financial statement.

The sixth document portrays Carnegie’s steel companies and highlights his control over various aspects of the steel making process through vertical integration. Despite being celebrated as a business hero and leaving a legacy in the steel mills, Document 6 presents a negative image of Carnegie. It depicts him as a wealthy and powerful businessman who mistreats his workers, while he himself is a millionaire who donates money for numerous good causes. On the other hand, Document 7 further emphasizes the inadequate wages of Carnegie’s workers, revealing that they were earning only half of what was necessary to support their families in a year.

Carnegie was making hundreds of thousands.

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DBQ was Carnegie a hero. (2016, Jun 01). Retrieved from


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