What came after romanticism?

Updated: November 28, 2022
The industrial revolution came after romanticism. This led to a change in the way that people viewed the world and themselves.
Detailed answer:

The period known as the Romantic era spanned from the 1770s to 1830. Throughout this period, artists, writers, and intellectuals sought to create works that could communicate directly with nature and express human emotions. The Romantic period was also marked by a desire for a more individualistic approach to human life. The Romantic movement had many different incarnations and major themes. Some of its most important ideas are the power of the imagination, the role of the genius, and the importance of love in life. In literature, love was portrayed in many forms. But it was a particular type of love that inspired many of its practitioners. A large part of this movement centered around the concept of intense emotion as the source of aesthetic experience. Those who embraced it put a high value on fear, horror, and awe. It was also a reaction to the scientific rationalism of the Age of Enlightenment. Romantics were also interested in medieval elements, such as folk art and custom. In short, they were looking for an alternative to the early industrialization of Europe and the rise of industrialism. The Romantic movement in English literature had very little to do with nationalism. Although the Romantics were sometimes viewed with suspicion for their sympathies for the French Revolution, the fall of Napoleon in 1815 was a shock for many writers. Even Sir Walter Scott, who was a Unionist, admitted to having Jacobite sympathies.

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