What Did Karl Marx Believe?

Updated: March 07, 2023
Karl Marx believed that society was divided between the bourgeoisie, who owned the means of production, and the proletariat, who were forced to sell their labor for a wage. He believed that the proletariat would eventually overthrow the bourgeoisie, leading to a classless society.
Detailed answer:

Karl Marx is a German philosopher and revolutionary. He was the main theorist of communism, which is a political and economic system where all property is owned by the community rather than individuals. His ideas played a major role in the development of Marxism, which is now one of the major branches of contemporary socialism. Marx’s main work, Capital, is considered one of the most influential books on political economy ever written.

Marx believed that society was divided between the bourgeoisie, who owned the means of production, and the proletariat, who were forced to sell their labor for a wage. He believed that the proletariat would eventually overthrow the bourgeoisie, leading to a classless society.

Also Marx believed that capitalism was destined to collapse because it would overproduce goods and cause an economic crisis. The surplus value created by labor would no longer be sufficient to support capitalists’ profits, leading to widespread unemployment and poverty. Eventually workers would revolt against their exploitation by capitalists, destroying capitalism and creating a new system based on equality and justice.

Philosopher’s ideas were developed in response to events in 19th century Europe. He believed that capitalism was creating an economic crisis which could only be solved by revolution. He argued that capitalism caused workers to be alienated from their work and from other people, creating alienation in all aspects of life except for religion and family life. He also believed that capitalism would lead to increasing inequality between rich and poor until there was no middle class left at all.

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