What Does The Conch Symbolize In Lord of The Flies?

Updated: November 28, 2022
The conch symbolizes the power of democracy and the rule of law. It also symbolizes the need for cooperation and communication in order to maintain order and civilization.
Detailed answer:

The conch shell is a symbol of order and civilization. This can be seen in the way Ralph uses the conch to call meetings, which are intended to keep order and maintain civility among the boys on the island.

The conch shell is a symbol of democracy and free speech. This can be seen in the way that Ralph uses the conch to call meetings, but also in how Jack eventually takes over as leader. Jack’s rule reflects his desire for anarchy and his disregard for democratic systems.

The conch shell is a symbol of power and authority. This can be seen in the way that Jack eventually takes over as leader, as well as in Ralph’s refusal to give up leadership after being challenged by Jack.

The conch shell is a symbol of hope and peace. This can be seen in how Piggy’s death marks the beginning of an era of violence on the island, as well as how Ralph leaves behind his ideals for selfish ambition when he finally gives up hope for peace when he realizes that there will never be an escape from this island alive anyway.

The conch shell is a symbol of unity and togetherness. This can be seen in how Piggy uses it.

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