What is an Author Summary?

Updated: June 09, 2023
An author summary is a brief description of an author's work, typically found on the back of a book jacket. It is meant to give potential readers a taste of what the book is about and what they can expect.
Detailed answer:

An author summary is a brief description of an author’s work, typically found on the back of a book jacket.

Author summaries are usually written by publishers in order to sell books to their target audience. They often include information about the author’s background, previous publications, awards and nominations, and other relevant information that may increase sales.

The author summary should be written in a way that appeals to your target audience; in other words, don’t use flowery language or vocabulary you wouldn’t normally use in everyday conversation. Use active verbs and present tense whenever possible (“The author writes stories that are full of action and adventure.”).

An author summary should be written in the third person and not include anything about your own personal opinion. It should be objective and unbiased.

The tone of an author summary should be professional and friendly. You should avoid using contractions (e.g., don’t, can’t) or slang words like “cool” or “awesome.”

Author summaries can be found in both fiction and non-fiction books. The length will vary depending on the genre being covered; for example, an author summary for a romance novel might be one paragraph long while one for a business book could be several pages long.

An author summary should not include any spoilers for a book that has not yet been published or read by the reader. It should also be updated regularly, as new books are published and old ones go out of print.

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What is an Author Summary?. (2023, Jan 15). Retrieved from
