What Role Does The Book “The Rise of The Colored Empires” Play In The Great Gatsby?

Updated: November 28, 2022
The book "The Rise of The Colored Empires" is mentioned several times throughout The Great Gatsby. The book is a symbol of Gatsby's obsession with the past and his desire to recreate the glory days of the Roaring Twenties.
Detailed answer:

In The Great Gatsby, the book “The Rise of The Colored Empires” plays an important role in shaping the world of the novel and creating an impression of its time period.

The book discusses the rise of African American and immigrant communities in the United States during the early 20th century. It provides a historical context for the events that take place in The Great Gatsby and helps to explain some of its characters’ motivations.

In addition, it is clear that Fitzgerald was influenced by its ideas about race relations and social mobility: he makes references to it several times throughout his novel. For example, when Tom Buchanan is welcoming Nick Carraway into his home he says that “We’re all trying to accomplish something here…” This is likely a reference to one of Du Bois’ central ideas: that people should be judged by their character rather than their skin color or ethnicity.

The book’s portrayal of African American life in New York City during this period helps to explain Jay Gatsby’s behavior: for example, why he might have wanted to live among white people despite being black himself (he wanted acceptance from them). It also helps explain his desire for wealth.

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What Role Does The Book “The Rise of The Colored Empires” Play In The Great Gatsby?. (2022, Sep 22). Retrieved from
