Why Did Voltaire Believe in Freedom of Speech?

Updated: April 14, 2023
Voltaire believed in freedom of speech because he thought that all individuals should be allowed to express their opinions and ideas freely. He also believed that this would lead to more progress and understanding in society.
Detailed answer:

Voltaire believed in freedom of speech because he thought that all individuals should be allowed to express their opinions and ideas freely. He also believed that this would lead to more progress and understanding in society.

Philosopher was born in France in 1694, and died in 1778. He was a very famous writer who wrote many books, plays, poems and essays. He was also a philosopher whose ideas were very important in the Age of Enlightenment. He believed that people should not be punished for speaking their minds or having different opinions from those of the government or church leaders. This idea became known as ‘freedom of speech’.

In his book “The Social Contract,” Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote: “Freedom consists in being subject only to laws one has prescribed oneself; hence it is essential not only that the law be just but that it be known.” Voltaire agreed with this idea and stated that if people were allowed to speak freely, then they could influence others with their own ideas and opinions rather than having them dictated by those in power.

Voltaire’s ideas about freedom of speech were influenced by his own experience with censorship – when he wrote a book criticising religious leaders, he was arrested for blasphemy and had to go into exile for several years (although he continued to publish letters from this time). Voltaire believed that freedom of speech was important for developing human knowledge and understanding, as well as helping people think about important political issues such as democracy and equality between people from different social classes.

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