Why Does Jonathan Swifts Satirical Commentary in Gullivers Travels Remain Relevant Today?

Updated: February 11, 2023
Jonathan Swift's satirical commentary in Gulliver's Travels remains relevant today because it is a timeless story about the human condition.
Detailed answer:

Jonathan Swift’s satirical commentary in Gulliver’s Travels remains relevant today because it is a timeless story about the human condition.

The novel was written during an era when England was undergoing major political and social changes. The country was ruled by a king who had absolute power over his subjects, but Swift used his writing to criticize the corruption of power and authority.

In fact, Swift wrote Gulliver’s Travels as a response to the Treaty of Utrecht, which ended the War of Spanish Succession in 1713. He believed that the treaty did not represent the interests of England or its people and instead served only those who held power over them — namely, King George I of Great Britain (who reigned from 1714 until his death in 1727) and Queen Anne (who ruled from 1702 until her death in 1714).

Swift used satire to criticize the corruption of power and authority by exposing their weaknesses through fictional characters and situations. As a result, his novel has remained relevant for centuries because it addresses issues surrounding politics and social justice that still exist today.

Moreover, Swift uses satire to show us what happens when we become too focused on material things and lose sight of what truly matters in life. This is especially true for the Lilliputians, who are so obsessed with money that they spend their days counting coins rather than spending time with family members or enjoying nature.

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Why Does Jonathan Swifts Satirical Commentary in Gullivers Travels Remain Relevant Today?. (2023, Feb 11). Retrieved from
