Why Shouldn’T the Book ‘Of Mice And Men’ Be Banned?

Updated: June 19, 2023
1) The book is a classic work of American literature that has been taught in high schools for decades. 2) The book is not overtly sexual or violent, and banishing it would be an act of censorship.
Detailed answer:

“Of Mice and Men” stands as an unshakeable monument in the literary world. This tour de force, crafted by the hands of the esteemed Nobel laureate, John Steinbeck, is universally celebrated as one of his most momentous literary gifts. Set against the bleak backdrop of the Great Depression, it chronicles the poignant journey of two drifters, George and Lennie, as they toil to etch out a semblance of existence.

The novel serves as a profound mirror, reflecting the intricacies of the human condition and the arduous pursuit of the elusive American dream. It is an indispensable treasure for those keen on delving into the depths of American literature. Beyond the printed words, “Of Mice and Men” has ascended the steps of academia and is widely dissected in classrooms, establishing its enduring presence in the literary syllabus.

Its influence transcends the literary realm, having been reincarnated into a successful motion picture, thereby fortifying its stature within the zeitgeist of popular culture. So, why preserve “Of Mice and Men” from the grasp of censorship? It’s a timeless classic, a paragon of American literature that has been extolled by critics and embraced by countless readers over generations.

More than just a tale, it provides a piercing gaze into a turbulent chapter of American history, illuminating the trials and tribulations endured by ordinary individuals in pursuit of a better life. To ban this novel would be akin to robbing our society of a rich, literary, and cultural heritage that continues to educate, resonate, and inspire.

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Why Shouldn’T the Book ‘Of Mice And Men’ Be Banned?. (2023, Jun 19). Retrieved from
