Why Was The Giver Banned?

Updated: December 13, 2022
The book was banned because it was too controversial.
Detailed answer:

The Giver was banned because of its controversial subject matter: suicide, euthanasia and the idea of a “perfect society.” The book was banned because it contained references to suicide and euthanasia, which some parents found objectionable. The Giver was banned because it is critical of government control and addresses issues such as individuality and sexual awakening. The book was banned because it promotes the idea of a “perfect society,” which some readers found offensive. “The Giver” challenges traditional values by presenting a world in which there is little diversity, no choices and no consequences for actions taken by individuals. The book was banned because it is thought to be too graphic for younger readers: it contains sexually explicit scenes involving children, who are portrayed as being much more mature than their real-life counterparts would be at that age.” The Giver was banned because it promotes individuality—the idea that people should be free to make their own choices rather than follow the dictates of others or standard societal norms. The book was banned because it contains sexually explicit scenes involving children, who are portrayed as being much more mature than their real-life counterparts would be at that age.” The Giver was banned because of its controversial subject matter: suicide, euthanasia and the idea of a “perfect society.” The book was banned because it promotes individuality—the idea that people should be free to make their own choices rather than follow the dictates of others or standard societal norms.

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Why Was The Giver Banned?. (2022, Dec 13). Retrieved from
