Short Essay- Technology

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The impact of Modern Technology and Science is growing and significantly influencing the daily lives of people today and in the future. Whether in New York or a remote location in Africa, advancements in Science and Technology are impacting individuals worldwide. Technology enhances people’s lives by enhancing medicines, offering improved disease treatment, and extending life expectancy. It also improves transportation, enabling individuals to travel across the globe in a matter of hours through Airways, Railways, or Bus Transportation services.

The emergence of modern technology has drastically transformed the way people live, allowing them to conveniently browse the internet on their television sets, watch programs with the ability to pause and playback live shows. This advancement in internet browsing has sparked a technological revolution that enables individuals to remain connected with worldwide events, engage in discussions on various subjects, and communicate through Instant Messaging Services. Moreover, computers now offer the feature of streaming TV content online. The internet has made accessing information from around the globe effortless.

Recent scientific discoveries and breakthroughs have the potential to revolutionize prenatal development, with advancements such as DNA decoding and Genome Mapping. These technologies give parents the ability to alter their unborn child’s characteristics, specifically eye color options like blue, black, or brown. Moreover, genetic modifications hold promise in eliminating hereditary diseases such as diabetes and chronic illnesses for future generations. As a result, children would be born without these ailments and possess complete immunity against common diseases, leading to a healthier population overall. Additionally, genetic modification has the potential to extend human lifespan up to 150 years while maintaining good health.

These are a few examples that illustrate how Modern Technology and Science have had a greater impact on Human beings and the Earth than anything else mankind has accomplished in the past. Despite this fact.

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Short Essay- Technology. (2018, Aug 30). Retrieved from

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