Supply Chain of Betel Leaf

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Preface: In perspective of supply chain of betel leaf, this paper has been showed the supply chain of betel leaf within the sylhet city. At the very beginning we discussed regarding betel leaf such as vernacular name, Bangladeshi’s betel leaf, area of cultivation, its varieties etc. So this part will show the Inventory process, Transportation, Location and Distribution process of betel leaf within the sylhet city. Description: The betel leaf is known as Paan in Assamese/Urdu/Hindi/Odia/Bengali, The betel leaf is cultivated in most of South and Southeast Asia.

Since it is a creeper, it needs a compatible tree or a long pole for support. Paan cultivation is a special type of agriculture. High land and especially fertile soil are best for betel. Waterlogged, saline and alkali soils are unsuitable for its cultivation In Bangladesh paan is chewed all over the country by all classes of people. Paan is offered to the guests and used in festivals irrespective of religion. A mixture called Dhakai pan khili (Like a Roll) is famous in Bangladesh and the subcontinent. The sweet pan of the Kashi tribe is famous for its special quality.

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Paan is also used in Hindu puja and wedding festival and to visit relatives. It has become a ritual, tradition and culture of Bangladeshi society. Adult women gather with pandani along with friends and relatives in leisure time. According to Bangladesh Betel Leaf Exporters Association everyday Tk 10 core ”paan” is being traded across the country and annual market size of the product is around Tk 3600 core. The association also said that the country’s export earnings from the sector were $40 million in the fiscal year 2008-09.

The harvested leaves are used both for domestic consumption and for export to Middle East, to European countries, USA, UK, Pakistan, and Myanmar. Paan is one of the major economic sources of rural Bangladesh. Region of cultivation within Bangladesh: • Sylhet • Rangpur • Chittagong • Faridpur • Jessore • Narayanganj • Barishal • Kustia • Dinajpur • Rangamati are areas producing the most betel. Region of cultivation within sylhet division: • Jaflong • Haripur • Kulaura • Jointha • Srimongol • Habigonj are special. Shopkeeper making Paan in SYLHET store:

Paan has various forms and flavors. The most commonly found include: • Tobacco (tambaku paan): Betel leaf filled with powdered tobacco with spices. • Areca nut (paan supari, paan masala or sada paan): Betel leaf filled with a mixture consisting of a coarsely ground or chopped areca nuts and other spices. • “Sweet” (meetha paan): Betel leaf with neither tobacco nor areca nuts. The filling is made up primarily of coconut, fruit preserves, rose petal preserve (gulkand) and various spices. It is also often served with a maraschino cherry. “Trento” (olarno paan): Tastes like betel but has a minty after taste. Eaten along with fresh potatoes, it is served in most Indian restaurants. Supply chain: Location of Betel Leaf: Mainly the location is assigned sourcing point to stocking. Here sourcing point is the cultivation area of betel leaf and stocking point is where it’s stocked. We have discussed in above that largely betel leaf comes in sylhet from across the country such as Jaflong, Srimongol, Haripur, Jointha, Rangpur, barishal, kustia, Chittagong, Faridpur.

Here noticed that a large number of Kasia paan comes from within the sylhet region and most (Bangla) paan comes from out side the sylhet region. Inventory of Betel Leaf: Indeed inventory means managing the product in specific space. Inventories are stockpiles of raw materials, supplies, components, and finished goods that appear numerous points throughout logistics channel. All warehouse of betel leaf in sylhet are private, these are Kajir Bazar, and Bondor Bazar. Betel leaf from across the country are stored at this two bazar.

From this two bazar wholesaler buy betel leaf and disseminated to retailers. Transportation: Transportation is involved with mode selection, shipment size, routing and scheduling. In case of betel leaf in sylhet city, the transportation mode is by truck and Laguna. From the sylhet division and outside the sylhet division all betel leaf comes by Truck at Kazir Bazaar and Bondor bazaar. Betel leaf which comes from within sylhet division and which comes from outside sylhet division, transportation cost may vary between this.

Modes— By Truck and Laguna, Boat Route—- By Road and Water. Shipment size—5 tones and 3 tones by truck, 1 tones by Laguna, and Half tone by boat. Summary: The topic indicates that betel leaf is is a perishable product. So the main drawback is preserving. We know that within 2 or 3 days it goes to perish. Therefore this kind of perishable product needs fast and quick supply chain. So it has been showed in above description how betel leaf is supplied from different areas to sylhet city from sourcing point to stocking point.

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Supply Chain of Betel Leaf. (2017, Mar 16). Retrieved from

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