The Paper About The Writing I Completed Throughout This Semester

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In my Portfolio, I have included some of my papers from other class about what I was learning during this semester in a reflective way. My portfolio explores the new techniques I have learned as an undergrad college student writer, from the themes of culture and language that we talked about, and the main outcomes of English. Taking English two in my last semester was the perfect opportunity to begin such a transition smoothly and create a sturdy foundation for the college writing experience I have built on throughout my last semester in my undergrad student career. 

My first piece, I believe is my best piece of work, that’s why I decided to put it in my portfolio. I worked very hard on and put a lot of personal thought in to this piece. Mental Health Wellness Assignment #2 is the assignment I chose because my mental health was a on the rocks this semester and this assignment give me a new outlook on things I was face though out my last semester at University of North Texas has helped built on throughout my last semester in my undergrad student career. 

My second piece, is another paper from my public health class, my experience at this new college has given me a chance to sharpen my outlook in any field of my choice. I realized I still have a lot to learn despite what I thought; but this allows me to improve my people skills a little better.

My third piece is my Final revised paper, I had a lot of trouble get my own words a crossed with so much information that had to go into the paper. The topic I picked is something a little close to home so I tried to give a much research a possible and not let my personal views on the topic. What I learned about this paper is to that speak from your own voice and not just rely on the research solely to get ones’ points across on a topic.

My last piece is the group project that myself and three other students completed about the book we read during the semester. theme and believe that the passage you analyzed accurately displays the theme you chose. The aspect of death in both of these books leaves the characters that it affected feeling hopeless and without direction as their lives dramatically changed. You see the growth of the characters after death and how they dealt with this lack of choice issue that was presented to them.

The passage that you relate back to in evicted also accurately displayed the concept of “through death come hopelessness” because Pam turned to drugs after the passing of her brother which is obvious that feelings of hopelessness led her to do this. The writing I completed throughout this semester is an ultimate demonstration of mastering the course outcomes because each essay within my portfolio relates to at least one new writing style, proving that the skill described is both understood and implemented.

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