“The Self” and “Attitude and Attitude Measurement”

“To Whom Do I Belong?”

Within this topic, what I have learnt would have been directed to full understanding of information and perspectives relating to “the self,” however ,this essay will serve as a platform or information to inform/educate the reader about the associated knowledge of “the self.”

Firstly, by definition, “the self” could be expressed as the cognitive and affective representation representation of one’s identity or even the subject of experience. According to (Rabstejnek 2015), self psychology is a positive psychology rather than a negative bio-psychological view of humanity. It is imperative to take note that “self psychology” is a positive psychology rather than a negative bio-psychological view of humanity.”

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Secondly, research studies have shown that specific animals such as; chimps have a rudimentary “self concept,” in which they realize that the image in a reflection is in-fact themselves, and not anyone else. Consequently, when someone tends to alter their appearance, they may now realize that their look is different as how they were beforehand. According to (Baron and Branscombe), they highlighted that an individual can attempt to engage in “self-promotion” which is mainly when we present and showcase some of our desirable traits at other individuals, this can sometimes lead to “self-verification.” When self recognition develops at around age two (2), growing older, self-concept becomes more complex. On the other hand, self-knowledge can be gained from ourselves when we either directly analyze ourselves or try to see others the way we think others see us.

Thirdly, when one grows older, the aspect of time can help someone view themselves by the means of autobiographical memory (comparison of the past vs present self), or possible selves (how the future may turn out). The other’s treatment refer to how people are treated by others and how they believe they will be treated, can sometimes impact the ways in which they will tend to treat themselves. In relation, social comparisons can relate to people whom compare themselves by evaluating their own attitudes, abilities and beliefs towards others.

The reason for comparison is either to feel good about themselves or to discover and work on the shortfalls that they may encounter. The self-evaluation model can suggest to maintain a positive view of the personal self, people should distance themselves from others whom perform better, and gravitate towards those who don’t perform can be referred to as the “Upwards and Downward Social Comparison.” According to (Baron and Branscombe), social comparison however is a vital means by which we judge ourselves, and can be quite comforting. This action can help boost an ego and maintain selfesteem.

Additionally, there are many concepts in which is associated with “the self”; such as the Social Identity Theory (proposes that membership of social groups and categories tend to form a very crucial part of “self-concept.” There is the;

  • Personal Identity (what we think of ourselves) & Social Identity (what we think of ourselves as members of special social groups.

According to (Baron and Branscombe), how we perceive and thin about ourselves is varied, and helps to give us a spot on the “Personal vs Social Identity Continuum” at a specific time, for example, at the Personal Identity Level we tend to think of ourselves in terms of attributes that differentiate ourselves from other individuals, and this can lead to ranking based on intra-group comparison.

Consequently, self-esteem can refer to the degree to which the self is perceived either positively or negatively, but however, there is feelings about “the self” of which we are not consciously aware of (Implicit Self Esteem). Social scientists have suggested that the lack of self-esteem can bring along a plethora of undesirable factors including; depression, violence, drug abuse, etc.

Research have also indicated that more or less the socially disadvantaged groups have a lower self-esteem, as compared to the socially advantaged, whom have high self-esteems. Other factors such as; (1) Men’s self esteem being higher than women’s due to the fact that they are generally attacked with gender discrimination and inequality, (2) gender differences are less in professional classes than any other field. According to (Baron and Branscombe) self-esteem can be responsive to immediate life events, but, if an individual continually thinks about their good qualities (loving, etc) this can backfire on their mood or happiness, in relation to “the self” in low esteemed persons.

Lastly, self-presentation can refer to managing “the self” in its social contexts, and defined as an attempt to control self-relevant images before real or imagined others. However, there are many tactics that are associated with this said aspect, such as; intimidation, self-promotion, exemplification, supplication, self verification perspective and even self-depreciating. For Better Understanding in “The Self”: Crash Course In Measuring Personality


  1. Construction of the self: A developmental perspective Susan Harter, Robert L. Leahy
  2. Robert Baron, Nyla R. Branscombe Social Psychology

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“The Self” and “Attitude and Attitude Measurement”. (2022, Dec 29). Retrieved from


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