Leona Lewis: A Singer Who Didn’t Give Up

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You can accomplish anything if you believe in yourself and that is what this British singer did. She wanted to quit singing because she saw herself going nowhere but; instead, of quitting and giving up, she pushed herself and got farther into a successful singing career. Leona Lewis is a songwriter and British singer who has been outstanding in her career and it’s all because she didn’t give up.

Leona Lewis has always had a passion for singing and helping out the world since she was a little girl because her family inspired her. Changing the world and making it a better place was such a big wonderful impact on her life when she was younger, and it made her really successful in life. She attended the Brit school for Performing Arts and Technology when she was younger. She wrote her first song at the age of twelve. Leona has always loved singing and playing some instruments. When she got out of school, she applied multiple jobs to get enough money to pay to get into a recording studio. She has been a vegetarian ever since she was a little girl. She is really passionate about animal rights. Leona has turned down a two million offer to open the famous Harnods Sale. Which is a department store that sells fur. It’s not right for them to do that. She loves animals too much to eat or to be wearing the fur as clothes(Hellomagazine,n.d.).

Leona Lewis has a very successful career and it’s all because of the support she had from her family and not giving up. She still to this day is singing and making changes which is making her go farther into her career. Leona Lewis is a British singer and songwriter. She has gotten so many hits on all of her songs and albums. Before, she got an X Factor she was a pizza waitress and not famous at all. Winning the X Factor made her go farther into the music industry with success. She was born in Islington, north London to her mother, Maria which was of Welsh and her father, Josiah Lewis, which is Guyanese(Hellomagazine, n.d.). Despite the hard struggle they had to face, Leona’s parents had always supported her work to transform her dream to reality. Having supporters with you helps you out a lot towards life because it builds up your confidence, and that is exactly what Leona has in her life. Her parents are her number one supporters.

They have been by her side from the start making her dreams come true and being successful. If, it wasn’t for them Leona would not be a successful singer(Hoffman,2008). She wrote a couple of books over her singing career. At, one of her book signings she got viciously attacked by a young man when she was autographing his book. He punched her right in the face. She was badly shaken after the incident happened. She felt bad for the man because he had something wrong with him, but luckily Leona was okay and got over the incident(Hoffman,2008). Leona has never really put herself out there for everyone to know everything about her. She mostly talks about her feelings when she is singing. The only time you will see her flare up if it has to do with any animals. She is really passionate for them and does not like going against animal rights, and if something very traumatizing happens to someone she is always there for them through it all.

She can be a very sensitive person(Hoffman,2008). All of her songs that she has written and performed have all got number one hits on them. She has always worked so hard for her career. She has sold more than 400 million records worldwide(Hoffman,2008). She is focusing on her career more and not on any men and that is really important to her. You don’t need a man in your life to make you happy if you love what you’re doing. Her singing career makes her extremely happy and also, inspiring all of her fans through it(Hoffman,2008). She is into ten years of her career journey with being successful. If you just work hard you would be successful just like Leona. She is recognized for her impressive vocal power when she sings. She doesn’t do autotune, so many people tried using it on her to see what her voice would sound like, but she doesn’t like it at all(Hoffman,2008). Leona has sang a lot of songs with other producers.

Singing with them on different songs has made her go farther in her career because she is recognized out their to the world. Every song she sang with them have been the biggest hits. They all have made so much money out of all of it(Valdemar,2018). She has been on several Broadways and won four Grammy awards. She is a very successful star. Leona has been working so hard to get where she is today. It is not just given to you, you have to work for it to be able to succeed in life and accomplish everything(Valdemar,2018). She set up a website, Yougivemestrength.com, it’s for everyone to share their stories. It’s about expressing yourself on how you should never give up and to keep moving forward. You should never stop believing in what your capable of doing. Exactly like Leona wanted to do but, she realized that she really enjoyed singing and making songs. She didn’t give up and it made her where she is today(Hellomagazine, n.d.).

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