Alcohol Reaction Paper

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The documentary Spin the Bottle” explores how alcohol consumption is negatively impacting society and becoming increasingly prevalent among younger generations. The film highlights how societal pressures and media portrayals of alcohol as cool and masculine have contributed to the rise in alcohol dependency. Men are expected to drink to become more of a man, and women are pressured to mimic male behavior and become recognized among men. Alcohol advertisements also depict women as attractive and sexy, leading to the misconception that heavy drinking is classy for women. The documentary also examines how alcohol and sex are often associated in ads, portraying sex as fun and sensual, but ignoring the consequences of alcohol-induced sexual intercourse. Overall, the film sheds light on the harmful effects of alcohol consumption and the need for societal change.”

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Alcohol can be seen everywhere throughout the media, individuals lifestyles, and other portions of society. The amount of people becoming dependent on alcohol is spreading due to excessive partying, excessive drinking, and peer pressure. Society portrays drinking alcohol as cool, masculine, and a measurement of how much of a “man” you are. This documentary “Spin the Bottle” was about how drinking alcohol is negatively affecting society and is becoming worse throughout the generations. They explain how men are pressured to drink alcohol to become a more of a man.

In films drinking alcohol is considered something that everyone should do and it is a part of manhood. This documentary also elaborates on how alcohol affects woman in society as well. Alcohol advertisements portray woman as attractive, sexy, and as the “bad girl”. Therefore, women are pressured to become what society portrays woman drinking alcohol as, which is a woman of power, dominance, and highly recognized among men. They are mimicking male behavior by drinking more than men and going beyond what they do.

Women who drink heavily are less feminine, and men who drink heavily are more masculine. Due to this, advertisements portray women as classy while drinking. This documentary also elaborates upon how alcohol and sex work cohesively to target males and females in society. Sexual related alcohol advertisements portray sex as something to be fun and sensual. They do not show the reality of alcohol induced sexual intercourse. It is glamourized in American society, causing ignorance in society.

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Alcohol Reaction Paper. (2017, Jan 18). Retrieved from

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