Best Movies About American History

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Although the United States change for the better over the years in regards to declaring itself an independent nation establishing a governmental system along with a constitution. There are still a lot of similarities and differences that changed and stayed the same over the years. Some of the key events that change the size of United States during the time periods of 1776 and 1870 are The Louisiana Purchase, The Texas Revolution and The Mexican American war.

This also includes the changes such as population, how voting ad changed all for the better and the change called The Reconstruction Amendments such as the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. All the Changes that had to come about in the United States during the sass’s and the 1800 have made a greater united States today. The first key event that changes the size of United States during the time periods of 1776 and 1870 is The Louisiana purchase when the France sold Louisiana to the United State who paid millions of dollars in order to gain ownership of in 1803.

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The reason for the United States wanting to control Louisiana is because they wanted New Orleans and the Mississippi river the river was very important to the country’s economy for water was the main form of transportation for goods produced in the country so instead of paying for just them two they purchase the whole Louisiana. The second key event is the Texas Revolution also known as Texas independence this was the military conflict between the government of Mexico and Texas colonists which began in 1835 leading to the Texas republic.

The purpose for the independent republic of Texas was to bargain to enter the United States making a commitment that Texas had the right to vivid into four units that will become states in the Elicited States this is what lead to the war in 1 840 which the IIS won. The third and last key event is the Mexican American war which was a conflict between the US and Mexico starting in 1846 in which Americans forces occupied New Mexico and California while invading parts of Mexico then another American army captured Mexico City and the war ended in victory for the US.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo specified in the major consequence of the war forcing Mexican Cessions of some of its territories to the US in exchange for 15 million. Other changes of the United States during the time period of 1776 and 1 870 include the population, voting rights and the change of the reconstruction of the amendments. First the population in 1 776 was made up of the early setters, new immigrants and African slaves but change when it expanded in during the sass’s. The new setters in the essays were thousands of European immigrants who hoped to acquire land, earn a good living, and enjoy freedom.

At first most immigrants Were English until larger numbers of Germans and Scotch-Irish arrived including enslaved Africans who were taken unwillingly from Africa forced to work the lands but almost half of the immigrant were indentured servants. The United States Census Of 1 870 provided information on the black population which they were not included at first only after the culmination of the Civil War when slaves were granted freedom changing the population to over 38,555,983 individuals.

Secondly the rights to vote which in 1 776 basically only white man with property had the right to vote but in 1 868 it all had change when the amendments made African American men citizens giving them the right to vote however state official denied them but shortly after that in 1 870 states were prohibit to deny them of that right. One thing that still didn’t change was the right for woman to vote which didn’t happen until the 19 amendment in 1920.

Third and lastly how the reconstruction of the amendments change which are the 1 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. The 13th amendment abolished slavery, the 14th amendment in 1866 included the privileges and equal protection clauses and lastly the 1 5th amendment granted voting rights regardless of race and color. Therefore the United States indeed changed for the better over the years in regards to declaring itself an independent nation establishing a governmental system along with a constitution.

The key events that change the size of the united States during 1 776 and 1870 was the Louisiana Purchase , the Texas Revolution and the Mexican American war which the United States was successful in getting all three. The other Changes that change the United States was its population which change by including every color and race. Voting rights change allowing other races the rights to vote which was in the sass’s only white people with land.

Lastly the amendment had change called the reconstruction amendments that were the 13th, 14th and 15th all giving rights to colored and other raced people.

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Best Movies About American History. (2018, May 02). Retrieved from

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