Apush Free Response on Salutary Neglect

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In the pre-1750s era, Great Britain was too preoccupied to effectively govern its American colonies. However, this unintentional neglect turned out to be beneficial for the development of America. Various aspects of the colonies, such as their legislature, commerce, and religion, underwent significant transformations. Initially, the colony’s legislature was largely controlled by royal governors, with input from legislative assemblies that aimed to resemble the British House of Commons.

Over time, the lack of support from the royal government allowed the Legislative Assemblies in the colonies to gain more power. As a result, the responsibility for making decisions within the colonies, including punishments and trials for criminals, fell mainly on the landholding men. The colonists strongly believed in trial by jury. Additionally, the lack of support from Britain forced the colonists to find ways to raise funds. This led to the introduction of self-imposed taxes during this period.

Aside from taxes, the colonists found various other ways to generate income for themselves. Trade was one of the most favored methods. While they traded with Great Britain, they also engaged in trade with other nations and colonies. Numerous significant countries had established colonies in the Americas during this period, and the colonists exploited this by engaging in trading activities with the Spanish, French, and occasionally with the remaining indigenous population. Furthermore, they conducted trade among themselves. Additionally, tobacco, a highly popular crop, served as another means of earning money.

This text highlights the desire for substance, specifically in terms of tobacco production facilitated by slaves, which was highly valued by colonists. The British currently do not disrupt the colonists’ efforts to generate their own profits. The primary motivation for the initial colonists’ migration from Great Britain to America was religious freedom. Consequently, it is natural for variations to exist as religious diversities are present in the colonies, with different branches of the same religion being practiced.

Without the approval of Britain, the colonists established their own churches, marking the first true break from the Church of England. Additionally, the legislature shifted to prioritize colonist control, while the colonists successfully developed their own monetary system. Furthermore, their religious freedoms continued to grow in prominence. The period of salutary neglect that the colonies experienced proved highly beneficial, as it laid the foundation for the formation of modern-day America.

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