Assignment Company Description

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It is often stated that the process of writing a business plan is as important as the plan itself. Provide a rationale for agreement or disagreement to this statement. What is potentially gained from the writing process? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Using Outside Help to Write the Plan . Respond to the following: What are the benefits and liabilities of using a software package to help write a business plan r hiring consultants to write the business plan for you?

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings Company Description . You will be developing the components of your Final Business Plan with each weekly assignment. Be sure to choose your business carefully, as you will not be able to switch later in the course. Submit the following section of your business plan: Company Description : What business will you be in? What will you do? Describe in a 2-3 page PAP paper each of the following elements: [l Mission Statement

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Company Goals and Objectives t] Business Philosophy Legal form of ownership Customer Survey . Develop a one paragraph overview of your product or service. Then, identify at least five questions to include in a customer survey. Respond to at least two of your classmates and critique the questions developed to determine if their questions will address customer benefits of their product Industry Analysis . Identify two attractive (growth) and two unattractive (dying) industries to enter into as a new entrepreneur. Provide your reasons for the selections.

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings Marketing Section . In a 2-3 page PAP paper, submit the following sections of your business plan: Product or Service Get complete A+ tutorial here – HTTPS://bitty. Com/begum Eat a quality breakfast before a big test in the afternoon. A fruit, a yogurt and some toast is all you need to remain focused. You may become distracted by hunger pain when taking an exam. By eating at least a small meal, you will be better able to focus on the test and recall all of the information that you studied.

I:] Mission Statement l Business Philosophy D Legal form of ownership Then, identify at least five questions to include in a customer survey. Respond to at least two of your classmates and critique the questions developed to determine fiftieth questions will address customer benefits of their product Marketing Section . In a 2-3 page PAP paper, submit the following sections of your business plan.

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Assignment Company Description. (2018, May 25). Retrieved from

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