Project Management Office and Challanges it Faces

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The case study discusses the challenges faced by AtekPC in implementing a Project Management Office (PMO) in the company. Despite technical challenges, the core problem lies in the lack of support from executives and resistance from employees. The case highlights issues such as defining the PMO’s purpose, structure, and governance, as well as implementing it in a resistant culture. AtekPC should prioritize the PMO implementation to gain confidence from functional areas and avoid the negative perception of delaying it. Without a PMO, the company may struggle to reduce costs and compete with industry players.

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AtekPC is a mid-sized U. S PC maker with sales of $ 1. 9 billion and employed 2100 full time employees and additional 200 part time workers. This case discusses most of the obstacles to establishing a PMO (Project management Office) are beyond the CIO and PMO Manager’s control. We see a lot of problems faced by the CIO in implementing a PMO in the enterprise. Regardless of the technical challenges during the implementation, the core of the problems seems to be that the PMO is lacking organization support, from the top to the bottom.

There is not enough executive stakeholder support, there is no visibility of the program, there is a conflict of interests within departments and employees are reluctant to change the ways they have been doing things. Issues brought out in the case include defining the PMO’s purpose and mission, the structure and governance of the PMO, and how to successfully implement it in what appears to be a resistant culture.

By taking the initiative and implementing the strategies, hopefully the external relations of the PMO can be enhanced and gain top to bottom organization support. In this way the implementation and maintenance of the PMO can be improved.

In our opinion, AtekPC should go for PMO-heavy after within a short time in order to gain confidence of functional areas and trust of employees. PMO should not be delayed much as industry is already facing consolidation and being inefficient can lead to hostile take over of AtekPC. Though, it is well understood that, at this stage no loss can be faced if PMO fails to prove its credentials. Delaying PMO will give negative image of it as people will perceive PMO of being not much useful. Without PMO it will be tough to reduce cost of resources and match up with other players of the industry.

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Project Management Office and Challanges it Faces. (2018, Feb 08). Retrieved from

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