Canada as a middle power

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Canada achieved the status of a Middle Power Country after World War II, establishing itself as a nation with global influence but no dominance in any specific field (Pagtakhan, personal communication, March 12, 2013). This achievement was mainly accomplished through Canada’s provision of international fiscal aid and technological advancements. Nevertheless, Canada’s relations with China and Cuba impeded its ability to become a superpower. As a middle power nation, Canada offered financial assistance to various foreign economies and held membership in both the Commonwealth and La Francophie.

These groups consist of different countries, including those with limited industrial development. Nevertheless, they both serve as a platform to tackle the economic challenges faced by impoverished nations. The Commonwealth nations, such as Canada, initiated the Columbo Plan in the mid-20th century. This plan is a regional organization that highlights the importance of intergovernmental cooperation to improve the economic and social progress of participating countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The main emphasis of this organization is on developing human resources.

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Canada has played a major role in both welcoming exchange students to study in its country and sending skilled professionals to offer technical aid overseas. In 1968, Prime Minister Trudeau created the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) with the goal of supporting foreign assistance efforts. CIDA plays a crucial role in guiding and allocating financial aid to countries requiring assistance, collaborating closely with United Nations organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations. These contributions have been essential in strengthening Canada’s status as a middle power.

Canada not only boosts the economies of other nations but also strengthens its own by making significant technological advancements. Following World War II, Canadian towns started industrializing, and this era of economic expansion saw the initiation of numerous large-scale projects. To tackle population growth and energy shortages, a natural gas pipeline was constructed across the Canadian Shield in the late 1950s.

Furthermore, Canada took the lead in creating a pressurized deuterium uranium reactor that utilized heavy water. This CANDU reactor has been successfully promoted in markets across Asia and South America.

Another significant initiative that established Canada’s greatness was the creation of Alouette 1, Canada’s first satellite. It was also the first satellite constructed by a country other than the US or the USSR. This achievement played a massive role in asserting Canada as one of the foremost countries. One of Canada’s most substantial capital investments was the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway. This seaway allowed ships to travel from the Atlantic Ocean to Lake Superior by traversing a system of locks. This project was built in cooperation with the US, which strengthened their ties with a great power and contributed to their Gross National Product (GNP).

Canada’s achievement of middle power status was made possible by its internal technological advancements, bolstered by international funding.

Canada’s failure to achieve great power status can be attributed to several obstacles and their commitment to maintaining their foreign policies. Primarily, tensions arose between Canada and the United States during the Missile Crisis. Canada declined to activate their NORAD forces or support the United States in imposing a Cuban Embargo or making military advancements. Eventually, Diefenbaker did place troops on alert, but by then, the relationship was already strained. Additionally, Canada displayed its autonomy by recognizing China as a communist government. This acknowledgement demonstrated their ability to have independent perspectives, separate from the United States and Great Britain.

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Canada as a middle power. (2016, Jun 01). Retrieved from

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