Cash Connection: Are Its Payday Lender Strategy and Its Business Model Ethical

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Why did the Telstra board select an internal candidate for the chief executive position rather than an external candidate?

This question provides students with an excellent opportunity to reflect on the concept of ‘expertise’. When examining the evidence, David Thodey may seem like an unconventional selection because of the unfamiliarity surrounding his proposed alterations in management.

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However, upon closer examination of the facts, it becomes more comprehensible why he was chosen, as he is probably eager to swiftly resolve the contentious relationship between the company and the government. The article points out that Mr. Thodey lacks a close rapport with influential government ministers and benefits politically from not being tied to his predecessor’s confrontational approach towards the government. What could be the reason behind selecting David Thodey over other internal candidates, one of whom possessed finance expertise and the other had experience in the telecommunications industry?

According to the answer to question 1, it would be advantageous for David Thodey to have no association with a government minister while negotiating the $43 billion national broadband network. This lack of association would allow him to bring a fresh perspective to Telstra without being burdened by its past history. Additionally, his internal appointment could serve as a source of inspiration for Telstra employees, offering hope for a successful financial turnaround. The article states that David Thodey had internal experience.

During his time with Telstra, how might his skills set have changed and what might have been his primary way of acquiring new skills?

Although Mr Tilton initially focused on specific skills, his career progressed to higher positions that required a broader and more strategic approach. As the CEO, he generally wouldn’t be directly involved in operational details. However, during financial crises, some level of involvement in day-to-day operations may be necessary for turnaround purposes.

The individual would be responsible for setting the overall strategy and direction of a company, supervising its operations, and not specific tasks. Hence, their skillset should primarily focus on strategic management, planning, and people management. These skills could have been acquired through hands-on experience or mentorship from other managers. Moreover, they might have further enhanced their abilities through formal professional development programs such as an MBA or short courses.

Telstra operates in a complex environment and requires a new chief executive who possesses specific skills to navigate and impact this environment. The government exerts considerable pressure on the company to contribute to a national broadband network, while Telstra must also prioritize delivering high returns to shareholders and ensuring public access to an affordable and excellent service.

Telstra, being a sizable organization, undergoes careful assessment from both investors and the public. The CEO of the company must possess technical expertise or have the ability to delegate tasks to knowledgeable professionals. Additionally, the CEO should have exceptional negotiation skills and be patient, as interactions with the government may be lengthy and occasionally contentious.

If the accounting profession and regulators have continued to analyze debt-to-equity ratios, despite cash being the measure of success, why?

The cash flow model has limitations on disclosure timing and may disrupt income management, while accrual accounting offers unbiased insights into a company’s future prospects. Conversely, the information derived from accrual accounting may be more dependable in predicting future cash flows than current ones.

The debt-to-equity ratio assesses the level of debt in relation to equity, providing a different viewpoint. This ratio is linked to cash flows and enables evaluation of the company’s capability to handle its debt responsibilities.

Analysts use the term ‘nasty surprise’ to refer to what?

A ‘nasty surprise’ refers to reported earnings or other accounting measures that were not expected or fully expected and can have a negative impact on a company’s future cash flows or other operations.

What is the reason behind the market’s change in focus from debt-to-equity ratios to cash-flow issues as indicators of a company’s financial position?

The literature suggests that the market is adept at assessing debt-to-equity ratios, accurately gauging their actual worth. Nevertheless, markets can still misjudge companies as a result of fraud or unforeseen risks.

When assessing a company’s financial efficiency, it is essential to consider two key factors: the debt-to-equity ratio and the cash flow. While some may primarily focus on the debt-to-equity ratio, evaluating the cash flow is equally vital. This is because it determines whether the company can effectively handle higher levels of debt.

The article discusses the process of assessing companies that effectively manage situations, commonly referred to as ‘sorting the wheat from the chaff’. But how are these evaluations made?

The formation of expectations regarding investments, whether positive or negative, relies on various factors such as industry trends, past performance, current and anticipated factors affecting the industry and specific companies, statements made by the companies about their projected performance, media analysis, historical performance of the company, independent assessments by analysts, and statements by the ASX. Research offers the opportunity to comprehend the process and informational hints that shape these expectations, particularly among individual investors.

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Cash Connection: Are Its Payday Lender Strategy and Its Business Model Ethical. (2017, Feb 04). Retrieved from

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