Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)

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The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) was launched by the Philippine government in 1988 through the Republic Act 6657, with the aim of distributing 10 million hectares of agricultural land to farmers and farm workers. Executive Order 229 was also put in place to provide support services and other factors needed to uplift the beneficiaries’ socio-economic status. The Small and Medium Industrial Technology Transfer Development Program (SMITTDP) was later established by the DTI to promote entrepreneurship and enterprise development among farmers and landowners. The program provides training, studies, market development assistance, and consultancy services to stimulate agro-industrial activities in Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs) nationwide. The CARP is a state policy that aims to promote social justice and equity among rural areas, ensuring the welfare of landless farmers and farm workers. During the Spanish and American regimes, land ownership in the Philippines was ruled by private sectors, large landlords, and friar feudal haciendas, and it was only during the American occupation that agrarian reform stabilized.

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In 1988, the government launched the CARP through Republic Act (RA) 6657, seeking the distribution of some 10M hectares of agricultural lands to farmers and regular farm workers. The government also directed specific agencies to provide the required support services and other factors needed to ensure socio-economic upliftment of the lives of the beneficiaries through Executive Order (EO) No. 229.

The DTI’s participation in the CARP was formalized with the establishment of the Small and Medium Industrial Technology Transfer Development Program (SMITTDP) in 1989. SMITTDP is primarily supportive of the government’s focus on countryside development through setting up of rural industries. More specifically, SMITTDP promotes entrepreneurship and enterprise development among the farmers and affected landowners and provides the services necessary to ensure the success of their projects SMITTDP’s objectives: To tap the idle manpower of farmers and their families for income-generating projects, thereby increasing their household incomes and stimulating industrial activity in their communities * To utilize the newly acquired liquidity of the landowners through investments in agro-industrial projects providing local employment opportunities Services and programs Program assistance is directed to Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs) nationwide. DTI-CARP provides support services to farmers and affected landowners and their families.

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Particularly, it assists cooperatives/associations of farmers, landowners, women, and youths, who are capable of managing micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The program provides comprehensive package of support services to stimulate agro-industrial activities in the ARCs. These services are in the form of: * Trainings/Seminars. Productivity improvement, managerial, basic and upgrading skills trainings/seminars guiding thebeneficiaries with right values/attitudes toward entrepreneurship; * Studies.

Preparation of pre-investment studies, feasibility studies, market studies and research, and other relevant studies generating investments in MSMEs in the ARCs; * Market Development Assistance. Market development through trade fairs, market matching, selling missions, market information services/promotional collaterals and product development, which includes designing, prototyping, packaging, labeling, and product/quality improvement; and * Consultancy Services.

Providing expert advice on areas related to planning, development, management, and operation of MSMEs. Reaction Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program of 1988, also known as CARP, is a Philippine state policy that ensures and promotes welfare of landless farmers and farm workers, as well as elevation of social justice and equity among rural areas. CARP was established by the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (CARP) which aimed for a nation with equitable land ownership and empowered agrarian reform beneficiaries while, at least, improving social lives.

The law was outlined by former President Corazon C. Aquino through Presidential Proclamation 131 and Executive Order 229 on June 22, 1987. The law was finally enacted by the 8th Congress of the Philippines and signed by Aquino on June 10, 1988. [edit] Spanish and American regimes During the Spanish regime, Philippines land ownership was ruled by private sectors, generally by the encomenderos, large landlords and friar feudal haciendas.

Small farmers were struggling at that time for agrarian rights, especially that titular system was not infamous and ancestral domainship is their only legal basis for ownership. It was during the American occupation that agrarian reform finally stabilized. Even though there are some agrarian rights established by the American colonial government, few were only given initiatives and the rich agrarian families in countryside continue to rule their own lands.

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Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). (2016, Oct 19). Retrieved from

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